Page 76 of Love Redesigned
Blood pounding in my ears makes me second-guess what I heard. “What?”
“I’m sorry.”
I’m not sure how I keep my voice neutral as I ask, “Two apologies in one week? Are you dying or something?”
“Feels like it,” he grumbles.
“Well, figure out if that shit is contagious before you pass it on to someone else.” I attempt to pull my wrist free from his grasp, but his hold tightens.
“Apologies aren’t contagious, Dahlia.”
No, but feelings are, and I sure as hell don’t know what to expect if Julian keeps stepping up to be a decent man. I can deal with him being angry after spending most of our lives slinging insults at each other. But him maturely apologizing after hurting my feelings and admitting when he is wrong?
I’m better off not getting to knowthisJulian, for both of our sakes.
Nico devours his lunch at a disturbingly fast rate before taking off for the living room to watch his favorite show, leaving the adults alone.
“How’s the house going?” Josefina takes a sip of her water.
“Dahlia and I are meeting with the team on Monday,” Julian speaks up.
“Which Founder’s house did you buy again?” Lily asks.
I turn to my sister. “The blue one.”
“Oh.” Her gaze drops.
The skin between her brows scrunches from how hard she frowns. “I heard that place is haunted.”
“Same,” Rafa says.
Julian glares at his cousin. “Not you too.”
He shrugs. “I said I heard about it. Not that I actuallybelieve it.”
I throw my good arm in the air. “See! I told you everyone knows about the ghosts there!”
Julian’s eyes roll in a way thatalmostmakes him appear human.
“Dear Lord. Is it too late to sell the place?” My mom makes the sign of the cross while Josefina laughs.
“People say there’s a reason it gets put back up for sale.” Lily props her elbows on the table.
“It’s true.” Josefina nods.
“Tell us everything you know.” I motion for her to continue.
My sister’s voice drops as she says, “Flickering lights—”
Julian cuts her off. “Faulty electricity is normal with a house this old.”
“If you’re going to give me a hard time, I won’t say anything,” my sister huffs.
With my uninjured arm, I elbow Julian hard enough to make him grunt. “Let her finish.”
He glares at me out of the corner of his eye.