Page 14 of Mike
“If it helps you sleep at night.” We ended the call and I went to bed, dreaming all about him.
His fight isn’t for a few more days, so there’s this limbo I’m in. My head and heart are at war, tugging on each other for a space to put him. Throughout my entire workday, I expected him to barge through the door, telling me that he couldn’t stay away. I’m not sure why, because he said he’d come back to me after his fight, but I still do. I’m the one who forced the separation, even if it was for the best.
Trying to kill some time between my shifts, I decide to go to a movie after my long shift to calm my nerves. It’s a short walk from the clinic, and the cool air allows me to get Mike out of my head for a brief minute; that is, at least until I reach the movie theater. I let out a gasp when I see he’s there kissing another woman. They pull apart, and I let out a relieved smile. It’s Danny and Samantha. Then, I’m embarrassed because they probably know all about why I’m not by Mike’s side right now.
“Hello, Tina. How are you doing?” Danny says. He reminds me of Mike in a lot of ways. Even though they’re twins, they’re not identical.
“Hey, I’m surprised to see you two here,” I say, wondering why they aren’t on a honeymoon or something. Ashamedly, Mike and I locked ourselves in our room for most of our trip, getting to know each other, so I didn’t speak to them about their plans.
“I have to work, so we had to come back. Soon, we leave on a honeymoon.”
“Ooh, where are you going?”
“It’s a surprise. He won’t tell me,” Sammie pouts.
“Do you want to come with us to see Mike fight?” Danny asks, changing the conversation.
“I’m not sure I can handle watching all that fighting.”
“Well, you can always stay behind and wait for him in the locker room. I’m sure he’ll love it,” Sammie cheers, grabbing onto her husband’s arm.
“Maybe I can surprise him.” It would be nice to see him sooner than I hoped.
“That’s a great idea,” Sammie says, clapping her hands together.
“Well, I’m going to go home. I’m not feeling up to a movie right now.”
“Why not?” Danny asks, looking at me suspiciously. Does he really believe I was meeting someone else here?
“At first I thought it would be a good idea, but if I want to feel alone, I can put on some Netflix and watch television at my apartment.”
“Are you having a hard time being by yourself in your apartment after what happened?” he asks.
“No. I can’t imagine having more than one crazy stalker and he’s in jail, so I feel pretty safe. I’ll see you all later.”
“We’ll see you before the event.”
I nod and walk away. I hear Sammie whisper, “You probably remind her of Mike.”
“Oh.” She’s right on the money with that one. God, I miss Mike so much; it’s getting harder to be without him. Seeing Danny only made it harder.
I spot Mitchell not too far away because it’s his job to keep a distance, but also protect me. Still, I don’t wave just in case there is another crazy out there ready to get me.
I’m almost to my apartment door when I’m met with a woman I’ve never seen before. She’s a beautiful leggy blonde in a puffy white coat. It’s cold here today, so I get the coat, but still, it’s a bit excessive. “Hello, um… forgive me, but I had to ask. Are you Tina Solis?” she asks with a pleasant demeanor, but I get a funny feeling from her.
“I am,” I answer.
Suddenly, the niceties are gone, and her face hardens. “Stay away from my man,” she hisses, inching closer to me.
“What?” I ask, my head snapping back.
“Mike is mine.” Her voice is low and filled with anger.
“Oh, yeah? What makes you believe that?” I ask, considering we spent time in Vegas fucking and he didn’t have a problem holding my hand while we were out.
“We’re engaged.” She takes off her gloves and is sporting a massive rock, and then shows me a picture of her and him after a fight. She’s clearly a ring girl, and the ring on her finger is more than enough for me. “We’ve kept it quiet to protect my job, and now you’ve come between us. He can’t help but cheat with naïve small-town girls, but he always comes back to me.”
“You can have him, honey.” I storm away, hating the wasted hours, the moments I gave to even considering a future with him. He’s the piece of shit I assumed he was from the start.