Page 22 of Dark Fae's Desire
I look over and watch her chest rise and fall. They truly are interesting creatures, humans. Her emotion rose freely from her chest during our intimacy, something I only just began to feel last night. I lightly graze her shoulder with my fingertips, feeling her warmth and light. I can feel an opening in my chest, a magnetic pull toward her being.
I have long dreamt of the night before and have waited for it for centuries. The way she looked at me when she felt my touch, the passion extending from our beings into the other, it was immaculate. Penetration was more than just an act with her, it made mefeel.
She stirs slightly and groans, possibly in annoyance. I pull my fingers back and gaze at the ceiling. I have always subdued any emotion or twinge that could hold me back from my true nature. I cannot control this, and I cannot push these thoughts away, and I cannot-
My thoughts pause as I feel a shock through my being. I suddenly remember my teachings. Words of elders passed down for centuries. Everything I am feeling, thinking, wanting, and craving is all too familiar. This seems like the process of identifying your mate.
I slowly emerge from the covers and stand up, dressing in my robes. I sigh in disgust. This set has always been particularly tight around my biceps. The butler could never get it right.
Stepping outside, I quietly close the door behind me. Waking her could be detrimental if I don’t gather information about mates first. I need to be sure.
“Servant!” I yell deeply once far enough from the room.
“Duke?” His lanky figure begs, sneaking around one of the corners.
“I am departing for the palace.” I say firmly.
“But s-sir…t-the girl…” He stammers.
“Yes.” I say, looking down at him. “She is to be treated as a master; do you understand?”
“Yes!” I bellow in annoyance. “Do as I say. Ask no questions.” I loom over him, staring intently at his frail face. “Tell. No. One.”
I watch as he looks around the room in confusion, then nods fearfully. Nodding my head, I set out to find the information I need. Walking out, I find myself wanting to find a way to make her my mate, more than wanting it to be untrue.
The library was stacked to the ceiling with ancient tomes and records. Fishing through these would take forever if I wasn’t so familiar with these old walls. Thumbing through the tomes on the Eastern wall, I find the first text I had ever read about mating. “Mates: The Hands of Love.”Cheesy yet helpful.
I sit down in the red velvet chair and thumb through the pages, finding stories of elves mating, the connections felt, and marriage rituals. Nothing about humans, but the connection pages…are hitting close to home.
“A process of identifying a mate is categorized into three stages. Passion, Openness, and Attachment. Once the threshold for these stages has been reached, it is impossible to return to the state before.”
“Great.”I think, placing the book back on the shelf. I cannot return. I cannot fight this, and I know it is useless. The image of myself on the throne seems to wane with each image of her that crosses my mind.
I look through various tomes endlessly, flipping pages, sighing, and sitting in defeat. No elf has ever mated with a human; if they have, they certainly did not write a romance novel about it. The records were of no help either. Each marriage has been listed as elven, no elf-human hybrid marriages.
I stand up and pace. Asking about this could lead to suspicion and turmoil. I can’t afford that.
Images of her pleasure cross my mind once more as I close my eyes. I need to see it again. I need to replay the memory of my lips on her neck, her thighs wrapped around my hips, and her tight pussy gushing for me.
Opening my eyes, I stare out at the city through the library windows. A burning ignites in my chest. I must speak with the elder. If anyone knows the possibility of this turn in my fate, it would be him.
The palace stairs gleam with gold as I take each step confidently. While these new emotions spur in my chest wildly, I cannot lead to any suspicious feelings. I take a silent, deep breath as I prepare to enter his chambers.
The elder is a wise man and highly intuitive. I must be bulletproof in guising my thoughts. I always heard the rumors that he could read minds. While I think of it as nothing but a bedtime story, now, it must be taken into consideration.
The double doors swing open as I enter his chambers. Startled, he turns to face me, breaking his concentration from his altar. He lifts the black hood of his cloak from his head.
“Duke Carmichael.” He says with a sly smile on his face.
“Elder James.” I say with a slight nod. He walks over to me and nods his head in a bow.
“Quite an entrance.” He says with another smirk. Thoughts of those rumors crossed my mind once more.
“I am in search of some information for my studies.” I say, keeping my voice calm and smooth.
“Oh?” Elder James asks, turning back to his table.