Page 41 of Dark Fae's Desire
I clear my throat and run a hand through my hair. It brushes against Diane’s small frame, and I look over at her. She has tears lining the rim of her eyes.
I raise my eyebrows at her. I don’t want to interrupt her thoughts, but I’m unsure if she is overwhelmed or regrets her choices.
“Carmichael, this is all so beautiful. The smells. ” She sweeps her arms around the table and over the glittering decor. “I’ve never smelled anything like this before.” I place my hand on the small of her back as a sign that she should continue. But a smile crooks across my lips as I see her visibly shutter from my touch. I refrain from kissing the nape of her neck in front of her mother and brother but remind myself to do so later. Even though her family is here, they are taken with the room and the food. I step closer to my beloved and let her feel my breath across her cheek. She smiles and sags against me slightly so I can feel her weight press into me.
I inhale her sweet scent, the flavor of ripe peaches on a spring day, and try to concentrate on what she is about to say.
“This is the epitome of extravagance. We will never be able to eat this food. Even if we had three weeks to do so.”
My eyes sweep over the table. Foods deep with color, flavor, and scents waft over us. Mounds of bread, puddings, and meats glisten with glazes, creams, and juices.
I inhale the deep scent of roasted duck with gooseberries, buns with honey icing, and a hundred different dessert flavors. It did look extravagant. I straightened at the beauty of it, my pride expanding to hear her words.
“It’s just that so many people do not have food.” She bit at her lip. Her expression was worried, which was not what I was expecting. “Perhaps, we can share with those less fortunate than us—humans or elves. We should not let it go to waste.”
I cock my head in confusion. “There is no waste. Magic will take it away.”
Her brows furrow. “But why should it be magicked away when it can help others.”
I consider her words but don’t quite understand. It’s a human trait, wanting to help others. Elves in this world only try to maim and hurt. We show our power by dominance. I clear my throat again, uncomfortable with these thoughts. I’m unsure how it could help me maintain the second position, but as I look over my new human family, I know I have already made my choice.
I smile. Diane’s face is so close to mine. Her peach scent ripples over me in waves of things promised for tonight. Of our future and what is to come. Her features are so fresh and innocent but so determined.
I cannot help but give in to her words. “If it will make you happy, yes. We can. You’re right, after all. If I have magic, we can help those who need it.”
Diane places her slender fingers and palm on my chest, stopping me from moving further to the table. “Carmichael, it’s about helping others. To be king, you’ll have to take care of your people. It is more than just making me happy. Do you understand?”
I search her eyes, deep blue like two watery pools, so clear that I can see my reflection in them. I want to give her an answer that makes sense. I want to explain to her that my path to the crown is compromised, perhaps beyond repair. I want to tell her that caring for the Elves and humans is different, but I cannot say anything besides the truth.
“No, I don’t understand,” I say. “But I want to,” I whisper the last words in her ear, and she melts a little more into me. I take advantage of her closeness, run my nose along the length of her neck, and nip at her ear a little.
She turns to me and smiles. “Well, that is a good place to start.”
I sweep my hand over the expanse of the room and lead her to the table.
We eat dinner together. James is boisterous and energetic. He spends much of his time trying to make Butler and the other servants laugh. He even starts talking to his mother about getting a pet.
“I always wanted a dog,” he says to her. “Maybe now that we have so much space, we can get one.”
I raise my brows to Diane again, who is smiling at her family. She turns to place her hand on mine and shakes her head. “He’s just excited. Once they settle in, we’ll discuss what is feasible.”
I lift her delicate fingers to mine and kiss each tip softly. “Whatever you wish.”
Tears fill her eyes again. “Thank you for taking such good care of my family.”
“Of course,” I say, my voice deepening with desire. I am ready to whisk my bride away and have my way with her. Or, perhaps, have our ways with each other.
Sensing a shift in my mood, Diane looks at me with intense appreciation, but longing bubbles along the surface. I swallow and do my best not to let the growl building in my throat slip out. I look at our guests and excuse myself from my wife.
“We would like to thank you all for sharing this event with us. It is now time for our ceremonial walk through the woods.”
My friends give me a dubious look. They understood my meaning and could probably sense my magic sparking across the room. Humans, even my sweet Diane, do not have those receptors open.
Monique stands up, hugs her daughter, and says, “Yes, of course. We shall see you in the morning.” She smiles at her daughter. “Or perhaps in a few days.” Dian blushes and gives James a hug as well.
“Try not to get into too much trouble searching the castle. Okay?”
“Okay.” James laughed. “But there is a lot to look at.”