Page 63 of Burn
My tongue stalled. Had I known this would happen, I’d have staged a spectacle, replete with all the fuss she’d have deemed excessive. Candlelight. Stringed instruments. Ambience in a more lavish location, preferably with a selection of surfaces upon which to spread her naked afterward. Certainly, I’d have dressed better and prepared a speech, likely in verse.
I hadn’t intended to blurt out a proposal whilst we occupied her desk in nothing but filmy, wrinkled nightclothes. By Seasons, I hadn’t bargained for any of this. But where the Autumn Princess was concerned, nothing had ever gone according to plan.
Briar nodded. “Yes,” she repeated. “When this is over.”
When the chaos was over, and we came out on the other side unscathed. When we didn’t need to rely on deceit and elaborate schemes. When everyone else had the chance to live freely, so would we.
Then. Oh, and then …
My thorn had chosen wisely. We would do this when the time was right. For this woman, I would wait an eternity.
“Aye,” I agreed with a slanted grin. “Considering how picky I am, that shall give me time to splurge on a ring.”
Instead of beaming, Briar’s expression grew vehement. She raised her wrist, tethered with the scarlet ribbon. “I do not need a ring.”
Wicked. Hell.
My hands snatched Briar’s hips and hauled her off the chair. The princess gasped as I swept my arm across the desk, the remaining contents crashing to the floor. In seconds, I dropped her lovely ass on the desk, then stalked into the vent between her legs.
As I did, my palms followed. They rucked the nightgown’s hem to her hips, then grabbed her thighs and scissored them apart. The jolting motion splayed the princess open, exposing the delectably pink flesh at the nexus of her body. Briar’s cunt spread, those pretty folds framed by a patch of hair and her clitoris swelling under my gaze.
Her walls seeped with arousal, the tight passage deep and dark. My fucking mouth watered, my tongue as wet as her pussy.
Based on Briar’s visible reaction, I must look deadly. Her pulse thumped in her throat, and that sweet kernel bloating from her core seemed to throb as well. Bashfulness suffused her complexion, enhancing her freckles like morsels to feast upon. I could dine on this woman’s body and never be satiated.
With a growl, I charged at her. My waist shoved into the gap of her thighs with such momentum, the desk shuddered. Briar slipped backward, but we both broke her fall. Her hands swung behind her, palms flattening on the surface just as I slung my arm around her middle, bracing the princess before she ended up sprawled on the surface. Oh, that would come eventually. Only not yet, for I needed her upright to start, the better to take the brunt of my cock.
Elation and lust replaced Briar’s coyness, the effect brightening her features. I launched into the princess. My hips spanned between hers, and we moved in unison, panting as our hands reached low between us and tore at the closures of my pants.
In one swift and hectic motion, we ripped apart the flaps. My cock sprang free, the stem hard and high, as though it had been welded that way. The ruddy skin thickened, my balls hung heavy, and the slit across my pome leaked with a blot of cum.
“Careful, jester,” Briar cautioned whilst using her heels to push my waistband farther down, until half of my ass rose from the fabric. “Control your strength before something breaks. This desk is an antique.”
“Perish the thought,” I rasped, snatching the straps of her nightgown. “Are you suggesting I can’t fuck you with precision?” I shoved the garment down her biceps, her resplendent tits popping from the fabric, those nipples puckering into the cool air. “You should know by now what a flexible jester can achieve—”
Yet my words were cut short, a ragged noise grating from my throat as Briar’s fingers draped around the base of my cock and gripped. “True,” she acknowledged whilst siphoning my erection, inflating the veins. “Except I also know how animated your lovemaking can be.”
I seized her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Is that a challenge?”
As if contemplating, she swiped her thumb over the line in my crown, smearing the bead of liquid. Only when I seethed did those sterling irises glitter with defiance. “Yes,” she said against my mouth.
My cock jumped. Well, well. So be it.
A growl catapulted from my lungs and hit the ceiling. With one arm still shackled around her waist, I hauled the princess against me, splitting her thighs so far that her legs flopped apart, and her feet planted on the drawers. And in one sinister move, I whipped my hips upward.
My cock pried her drenched folds wide. The tight flanks of her pussy clenched, sucking me in as I pitched to the hilt.
Briar’s yelp bolted through the room. Her body snapped backward in an arch, and her hair flooded the desk’s surface like a red river. The noise she’d made cemented into a moan, then another as I whisked my pelvis in and out, the head of my cock striking a compact little place inside her.
Circling my lower body, I plied into the princess, her cunt soaking me to the brim. Seasons, she dripped onto my sac. I lurched my cock, jutting deeply, wanting her to smother my flesh with her arousal.
Briar sobbed in pleasure, her whimpers punctuated by each jab of my waist. She palmed my ass, which contorted with effort over the sagging waistband, and anchored the other hand behind her. The princess’s body bowed like a spring, jolting to the impact of my pistoning hips.
Groaning, I hunched over her, forcing us at a steeper angle. Grasping the desk’s edge for leverage, I hauled my cock into her. Her tits bounced against my chest, and she steepled her knees high, to take the force of my hips. Almighty hell, her pussy sealed around me like a vise, the inner muscles fluttering.
Without warning, the princess twisted and flipped us over. My back hit the furnishing, and she scrambled onto the tabletop, batting at me to do the same. Sprawling myself over the surface, I howled as Briar straddled and rode my cock on her desk.
With her nightgown fluttering around us and her cunt astride my dick, she clamped onto me so fitfully that spots danced in my vision. Renewed, I used every muscle, every joint to vault her upward, fucking into her thoroughly.