Page 37 of Silvan
Romy brightened in amusement. “Are you… Silvan, are youscared?”
“What? No. Fuck no.”
Her mouth gaped wide. “Youare! The big bad wolf is quaking in his boots right now.”
“You’re out of your mind, princess. I’m not scared of shit. But that island has some dark things. Things you and I aren’t prepared for.”
“Like the stinging insects?” Her grin broadened.
“You’re not taking this seriously.”
“I am.” She sucked in her bottom lip. “Promise.” Her amusement faded to a dark look, and she turned to stare into the bayou. “I have to because my sister could die if we can’t find what I need. So you could tell me a zombie would kill us the second we step foot on that island, and even that wouldn’t be enough to keep me away.”
stick with me and there’s no telling what we’ll get up to
The moon shone above them in a cloudless sky, guiding their way to Mar Island. Romy trailed her fingers in the water but jerked them onto the side of the boat when Silvan clicked his tongue.
“Wouldn’t do that if I were you, princess. You might lose a hand.”
She scrunched her nose. “Is the water poisonous like thosescaryinsects?” Romy couldn’t resist another jab.
“Gators. Haven’t you ever been out fishin’ at night?” He studied her as though he saw more than her appearance. “Never mind. I forgot I was talking to Delacroix royalty.”
“Am not,” she huffed, even though his observation was accurate. Her name and station in life had afforded her luxuries but had also put her at a disadvantage. She knew nothing of life outside the coven, outside the safe bubble her parents had created to protect her. “Aren’t you supposed to be in wolf form right now?”
Silvan made a sour face, then snickered, appearing like a man and a little boy at the same time.
“I mean, it’s nearly full. The moon.” She gestured above them. “Isn’t that werewolf rule number one?”
“You read too much. In stories and myths, sure, but in real life, no.” He rested the paddles in the water, and they nearly stopped. “Am I the first lycan you’ve ever been alone with?”
“Yep.” The question made Romy self-conscious, and she didn’t like it. This man, thiswolfcoerced her body to feel things. Unclean, provocative things like him between her legs with two fingers in her pussy and one in her ass. And his mouth… oh fuck… his mouth. That wasexactlywhat she wanted to do, fuck his mouth. To stand in this boat and strip, then have his tongue trail a path from the nape of her neck all the way down.
Dammit…nowshe was wet. If Silvan's statement evoked a primal reaction, she couldn’t imagine what his touch would do.
“Well, what do you think?” Silvan’s smirk told her he was already aware of exactly where her mind had wandered. “Do you like it?” He paused, amber eyes bright with desire. “Or are you scared?”
“Do I have a reason to be?” Boldly, Romy leaned forward to take the paddles, close enough to feel his hot breath on her neck. Gods, she hungered for him. For his touch, his tongue. Her gaze lingered on the bulge between his legs, less than a foot away from her mouth. How easy would it be to drop to her knees and release the beast from its constraints? Romy would take every delicious inch of him down her throat. She’d squeeze his ass and rake her nails across the tender skin, and when he’d reached the edge, she’d spread her legs wide and receive him deep within her core.
Romy met his eyes, and fire spread through her veins. Silvan, her lycan. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. This man would breathe life into these fantasies andmoreif only she could say the word.
He inched closer. Closer. Closer. She could almost taste him. Shewantedto taste him.
A night bird called above them, and when Romy jerked away, all the insecurities she fought so hard to repress flooded her mind. What would Silvan want with her when he could have literally any woman in the world? How could she compare to the gorgeous, lithe women of the Rincewind Pack? Big tits. Tiny waists. Long legs. Damn near exotic beauties. Romy had hips and thighs and a mess of unruly red hair. She’d never been with anyone, and until bearing witness to Silvan’s cock in all its glory, she’d never even seen a naked man. Romy had no clue how to give a blow job, and he’d been with plenty of women who’d put her to shame. Her lack of experience would be laughable to a man like him.
With one quick move, she took the paddles and slid them back into the water. “I’ll row for a while.”
For a moment, they were quiet. Romy focused on the rhythmic trill of cicadas in the cypress trees and took in the beauty around her. Had this not been a mission to help Thora, it might have been a nice first date.
“So does that mean you like being alone with me?” he blurted.
Could Silvan read her thoughts or sense her arousal? Or both? “Why do you care?”
“Why do you always answer a question with a question?”