Page 103 of Lost and Found
I catch sight of movement across the river, and I look that way. Then I freeze in place.
"Um, Sunny," I say. "Did you have a partner fake Bigfoot?"
Sunny stops in her tracks. Behind me, Grant sucks in a breath.
"No," Sunny says. "Why?"
"Across the river."
We watch as what looks like an actual Bigfoot lifts his head, sniffs the air and locks eyes on us.
"That's no costume," Grant says in a low voice.
The creature is tall, probably even taller than he appears to be from across the river. His body is broad and covered in fur.
He lets out a low growl then turns and takes off into the forest at a full sprint.
"Holy…" Sunny breathes. "I'm glad I'm not wearing the costume."
We stand for a moment, none of us saying a word. I'm caught somewhere between terror and hilarity.
Finally, Sunny lets out a small 'huh,' shrugs, and starts walking again.
Grant and I follow.
We have a goat to save.
It's after midnight by the time Grant parks in front of my house and turns off his truck. The wind is blowing furiously, and I really don't want to get out and walk through the rain.
We stopped briefly at his office, where he had back-up dry clothes. I'd been able to search the lost and found and put together an outfit that's dry, if outdated and ugly. I don't dare go commando in someone else's clothes, so my panties are still wet, but the over-sized basketball shorts and too-small t-shirt are at least dry.
Grant rests his hands on the steering wheel and twists to face me. "There's something I need to clear up, Dani. When I was trying to help you with Abby, it was never because I want you to move back to Atlanta."
"Are you sure?" Even after all the 'I love you's and kisses, there's still a dark knot of doubt under my ribs.
He shakes his head, frowning. "I've really fucked this whole thing up if you need to ask me that."
I want to reach over and rub out the crease between his eyes, but I keep my hands in my lap. "Why don't you explain it to me, then?"
He sighs and smiles. "Right. Communication. You know my fiancé left me at the altar, right?"
I nod.
"She left because she didn't want to live in Catalpa Creek and she knew I'd never want to live anywhere else. She just didn't know how to tell me. When I found out you didn't have the option to move back to Atlanta because of what Abby did, I worried you aren't here because you're choosing Catalpa Creek. Which could mean you won't stay."
"I'm not choosing Catalpa Creek," I say. "I'm forced to live here by my father's will."
He nods, his expression sad and a bit desperate. "Exactly my point."
I smile and let myself go. I lean across the seats and press a kiss to his lips. "But when the year is up, I'm going to choose to stay in Catalpa Creek, because I love it here. And because I don't want to live anywhere you aren't."
Grant lets out a breath and grips my face in his hands and kisses me with all his pent up worry and relief. If it weren't for Arty, I might climb up onto his lap and do a whole lot more than kiss him. But Arty is in my lap, so I pull away.
"Just promise me you'll talk to me before you try to help me next time," I say.