Page 32 of Lost and Found
"No. I want to take care of him. He's my responsibility. But the surgery must have been expensive."
Jared runs a hand over his big beard and nods. "We'll work something out. Maybe we can write it off as a training exercise."
"I don't want a handout. You saved his life. You deserve to get paid."
He pats my shoulder. "I hear you. But don't stress over it, we'll work something out."
"Thank you." I'm grateful beyond words. "So, what's the story with you and Brit? I thought you two were just friends."
His brow creases in confusion again. "We are friends. Listen, I've got some paperwork I need to take care of. Are you okay here with the skunk?"
"I'm great. You do what you need to."
He heads back into the clinic and I settle down on the hay next to Skidmark. For the first time in days, I feel like I can breathe freely again.
The bookstore is busier than I've seen it in years, and the sound of laughter and conversation fills the narrow aisles. There's a banner across the middle of the shop announcing the grand opening of the coffee and sweets bar, as well as a pile of flyers on the sales counter announcing the same.
Two days since Lazy hired Dani, and he's found time to let the whole town know about her before he's tasted a single bite of her baking. I anticipate being entirely disappointed by whatever cherry thingie she's concocted. There's no way she's as good as she claims.
"There you are." Lazy slaps me on the back, startling me so much I nearly shriek, but bite my lip hard to keep the sound contained. "Your girl's already bringing in new customers."
I stop in my path toward the smell of coffee and the sound of cheerful people to turn and stare at my brother. He looks far too smug and happy. "She's not my girl. She's the last woman on earth who will ever be my girl."
Oddly, my words only make Lazy's smile widen.
"Not to mention she missed her first day of work, Lazy. Not an auspicious start for your new employee."
"Family emergency. Come on, you should see what she's done with the place."
I put a hand on his shoulder to stop his forward progress. "Is she okay? Is her family okay?"
Lazy glances back at me as though he's already forgotten who we might be talking about. "What? Oh, yes. No humans involved in this emergency."
I release his shoulder, even more confused than before I asked, but comforted to know that Dani and her sisters are okay.
I rarely understand Lazy. For all the blood and genes we share, we have almost nothing in common and agree about very little.
The coffee bar truly has been transformed. There's a three tiered stand filled with muffins and croissants, coffee carafes with all sorts of sweeteners and flavorings in small containers around them, and some sort of plastic case with shelves that hold various items including an entire row of danishes… all of them cherry.
My mouth waters at the sight, but I can't reach them, because there's a crowd around the counter, everyone smiling and chatting as they eat Dani's pastries and sip coffee or wait in line.
"I don't have time for this," I say to Lazy, only to realize he's somehow woven his way through the crowd. He leans against the counter and says something to Dani as she's ringing up a customer - when did he get a second cash register? - that makes her face light up and a smile creep up until she's grinning at my brother like he's her favorite person in the world.
I do not like them as friends.
Lazy leans in closer and whispers something in her ear, and her gaze shoots to me. The bookstore around me goes silent as her eyes lock on me and a shiver runs down my spine.
What the actual hell?
She smirks, breaking whatever spell she had me under. I frown back at her, because I don't like her, I will not smile at her, and I do not feel an odd tug in my center that makes me want to step closer to her.
I'm just hungry.
Starving, in fact.