Page 89 of Lost and Found
I snort in disbelief, but I don't look back at him. I can't. "Just admit you never wanted to know the real me. You prefer the helpless version you created in your own mind."
Throat tight, eyes burning, I walk out of that room and shut the door behind me.
Grant doesn't say call me back or come after me.
Lazy is pacing in the middle of the bookstore. "I'm sorry, Dani. I should have told you about Abby's call. I never believed a word she said, and I hope you'll continue to work here."
I hug him, because I need to hug someone, and swallow back my tears. "I'm not going anywhere."
When I pull away, he smiles sadly at me. "You know, he was just trying to help because he cares about you. It's been years since I've seen him as happy as he is with you."
"I don't think you and I should talk about my relationship with your brother. I really want to keep working here."
"I want you to keep working here. Is there any truth to what Abby said about your recipes? Does she have a right to them?"
I sigh, exhausted and sad. "I don't think so, but I honestly didn't pay that much attention to the contracts when I signed them."
"I got through a year of law school before I dropped out to open this bookstore. If you want me to look over the contracts, I'd be happy to do it."
The heaviness in my chest lightens. "That would be amazing, Lazy. Thank you."
He nods once. "Want me to call Jesse to cover for you?"
Jesse is a college kid who works part time in the bookstore. "No. I need to keep busy."
He pats my back and we both get back to work. I don't see Grant again for the rest of the day.
Ipace my living room as I wait for Kaia to arrive. Dinner is in the oven, the table is set, and I've got nothing to do but wait and pace and replay the week from hell.
I've had about twenty calls a day about Bigfoot sightings, many of them from the crew breaking ground on the resort. Bigfoot has now escalated to setting booby traps that mostly just knock crew members on their asses, but did rope one guy by the ankle and hang him from a tree. Corporate has been calling me every hour on the hour asking for updates on the Bigfoot situation like this is my problem, even though Bigfoot has yet to hassle any tourists or do any damage to the park.
News of Bigfoot became a headline in the local papers two days ago and got picked up by the national outlets yesterday. It's just a matter of time before boatloads of tourists show up to hunt for Bigfoot and get themselves lost in the woods.
All of that is only made worse because I can't stop thinking about Dani and missing her. After only ten days in her bed, mine feels empty without her. I've texted her and left her messages, trying to convince her to just fucking talk to me, but she's been ignoring me.
A contact I made in Atlanta did call and let me know that Dani's ex-partner had to close Starshine bakery and has declared bankruptcy. Lazy proved Abby has no rights to Dani's recipes, and Lazy took Dani to dinner to celebrate. It should have been me celebrating with Dani. I was the one who put Lazy on the case.
I'm still working on tracking down every bakery in Atlanta where Abby gave a bad reference for Dani, but I don't dare tell Dani about that. So far, I've convinced two bakeries in the city that Abby lied to them and I've gotten them to offer Dani another chance, but Lazy won't pass that message on to her.
He says I'm just making things worse for myself, but he doesn't get it. Dani was upset, but once she calms down, she'll see how much help I've been. I'm doing all this for her and, eventually, she'll understand that.
I've managed not to confront her at work because I know she would hate a scene at the bookstore. And the conversation I need to have with her will definitely cause a scene.
My doorbell buzzes and I hurry to answer it, hoping Kaia will be able to help me out. Except, it's not just Kaia at my door. It's Kaia, in casual jeans and a v-neck tee that somehow looks fancier than the suits in my closet, dressed up with silver necklaces and high heels. Next to her is a tall, muscular man, his umber skin rich with copper undertones, in jeans and a fitted t-shirt that makes him look just as stylish as Kaia.
Maybe I should have dressed up. Instead, I'm in worn jeans and a t-shirt I got for free from the last community 5K I ran.
"Don't look so surprised, Grant. You didn't really think I'd come to the home of my ex-fiance for dinner and my man wouldn't have questions, did you?"
Damn it. Once again, I've failed to view a situation from another person's point of view. "When you put it like that, of course not."
Kaia smirks. "Grant, this is my fiancé, Kade. Kade, this is my ex-fiancé, Grant."
Kade gives me a predatory frown before his expression shifts to a broad smile and he holds out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Grant. Me being here is Kaia's idea. She likes to pretend I'm jealous, but I keep telling her I don't see you as a threat at all."