Page 91 of Lost and Found
"I'm a social person, Grant. I always have been. But my favorite thing to do has always been skiing. I went every chance I got, even if it was just a school-sponsored trip up the road. That's why I have the job I have."
"You're right." I slump back in my chair. "I didn't know that and I should have."
"You should have. You decided early on that you and I were meant to be and it was like you stopped seeing me. I went along with it, because I loved the idea of being your soul mate. I loved how you never even looked at another girl."
I push to my feet. "I should get the lasagna." I haven't touched my salad, but Kade has finished his and I've lost my appetite.
After I set the casserole dish on the table, along with a serving spoon, I take my seat. "Dani's favorite thing in the world is baking. And she loves to hike and camp. She goes to the woods when she's upset or needs a break from her sisters. Her favorite food is beef stew and hot chocolate."
Kade is totally checked out of the conversation and scooping lasagna onto his plate.
Kaia's smile blooms slow. "Aw, you love her, don't you?"
Fuck. Do I? "I wouldn't go that far. Obviously, I care about her. We're fighting because I tried to help her and I hate it." I set down my fork with a clatter. "I was trying to help her, Kaia, and she's pissed at me. In what world does that make sense?"
"You were meddling in her business, man," Kade says. "If you meddle in a woman's business, she's going to get pissed. Expect it and decide which way you're going to go."
Kaia points at Kade and nods. "What he said."
"So I didn't talk to her first. My heart was in the right place. It's not something she should freeze me out for an entire week over."
"A whole week?" Kaia says. "You sure this is just a disagreement?"
Panic flares. "What else could it be? If she was dumping me, she would have said that, right? I didn't even do anything wrong."
"Gotta accept what you did wrong before you can even think about getting back with her," Kade says around a bite of lasagna.
I throw up my hands. "I'm helping her."
Kade swallows and straightens in his seat. "Think about it this way. Imagine you were having an argument with your mother and this Dani went behind your back and told your mother that you just needed time to cool down?"
"You did just need time to cool down," Kaia says.
Kade smiles at her, and the love in his eyes is obvious. "Be that as it may, you should have talked to me first."
She leans over and presses a kiss to his lips. When it gets weird, I clear my throat.
Kaia pats Kade's cheek, whispers something to him, and returns her attention to me. "It would be like if she took that list of Bigfoot suspects you have and narrowed it down for you by investigating them."
"Without talking to me first?" The words are out of my mouth before I fully realize what I'm saying and, when I do, it's like the room was dark and someone just flicked on the lights. "Aw, crap. I was thinking of her as someone who needs to be rescued instead of a fully capable adult."
Kaia points at me. "Yes. You can learn new tricks." She claps her hands. "Next question. Is she right? Are you more interested in saving her than in being with her?"
I don't even have to think. "Not even a little. I just want to make sure every option is open to her before she gets settled here and starts this sanctuary farm. If what she really wants is to be a baker in Atlanta, she should be able to do that."
"Oh," Kaia glances at Kade, and they have some kind of silent communication before she looks back at me. "And what if that is what she wants? What if she'd rather live in Atlanta than Catalpa Creek?"
My heart goes cold at the very idea. "Then she should figure that out now before…"
"Before you fall in love with her and she breaks your heart by leaving," Kaia says, her voice all sympathy.
I rub my chest. "Damn it, I'm in love with her."
"You need to explain all this to her," Kaia says. "Because if I didn't know you the way I do, I might think you want her to move back to Atlanta. I might think you're trying to push her away."
I stare at the ceiling while I mentally replay our argument at the bookstore. "Shit. She might have more than one reason to think that. I didn't express myself very well."
I lower my head, ready for Kaia and Kade to mock me for being an idiot.