Page 3 of The Mistletoe Switch
His brow crinkles and he glances at the door like maybe he's sensing the trap. But he doesn't walk away. "What can I do for you?"
I angle my head toward the bar. "My fiancé is here with another woman. I need you to flirt with her, maybe get her into a compromising position, while I have a few words with my man."
He blinks at me once, then laughs so loudly heads turn in our direction. I scoot to stand on his side away from the bar so RJ won't see me if he looks our way.
He looks down at me, his laugh fading as he figures out I might be serious. "That's not a pickup line?"
"No," I whisper yell. "I'm serious. It's not a hardship. The woman he's with is gorgeous and way nicer than me."
He frowns, like he's having trouble understanding my very simple request. "Why the hell do you want a man who'd cheat on you?"
"Because he's perfect for me." I bat my eyelashes again and let my eyes go teary.Thank you, Mom, for forcing me to take drama lessons for five years when you were determined I would be the next A-list movie star."I love him so much. He's made a mistake, but I can forgive him. I just can't lose him."
His expression is one of pure disgust. "Cheaters don't change, honey. You're better off letting him go." He leans in closer and puts a big paw on my waist. "And I am the best man in the world to help you forget all about him."
"Really?" I look at him, all stunned awe, only halfway faked, because the man is pure sex appeal and I would bet money he's a beast in the bedroom. "Because I'm a stupid girl who believes rebound sex is better than marriage and the security that goes with it?"
He pulls his hand away and glares like I'm the one being rude here. "I'm just trying to help you out."
"Help me out by going over to the bar and flirting with the woman in the Colorado State sweatshirt. The one who looks like she's barely old enough to be drinking here."
The stranger looks over his shoulder at the bar, and his jaw goes hard as concrete. "The gray CSU sweatshirt?"
"Yes. She's gorgeous, so it shouldn't be any trouble—"
Tux man isn't listening, he's already crossing the bar, his expression murderous.
And that's the moment my best laid plan goes straight to hell.
Rage colors my vision and narrows my view to just one man, the obsequious piss ant my sister's been dating for six weeks. I knew the guy was a wet noodle with shifty beady eyes as soon as my sister introduced him to me. When he asked me to invest in some scheme that definitely sounds like a scam, I had no problem turning him down flat. Since then, he's been a total asshole to me unless my sister's around.
When I made the mistake of calmly explaining all this to my sister, she stopped speaking to me.
Which is probably why, beneath my roaring anger there's a thread of glee that I finally have a decent reason to shove this asshole out of Alice's life. But the anger is predominant. No one cheats on my baby sister. That asshole ought to be kissing the ground under her feet for the opportunity to breathe her air.
James' eyes widen as soon as he catches sight of me storming toward him. He's not an idiot, so he tries to back up. Unfortunately for him, there's a bar behind him and people on either side. There's nowhere he can run.
Unfortunately for me, the dude's a lawyer and guaranteed to sue me if I lay a hand on him.
The crowd parts like my fury is giving off heat. As soon as I'm close enough, I grab James' shoulder and lean in real close. "Unless you want everyone here to see you cry like a baby, meet me out front."
I turn and walk out of the bar like I have no doubt he's going to follow. In reality, I have a bunch of doubts. I'd lay money on James being the type of coward who'll run before he even knows why he's in trouble.
"What are you doing?" the hot chick demands, her high heels clacking on the floor as she chases me out of the bar.
James doesn't deserve such a pretty fiancée and, under different circumstances, I'd absolutely try to prove that to her with a night or two of blistering passion. I only date out-of-towners and she caught my eye as soon as I walked into Drummers.
I can feel her behind me even as I step out into the freezing Colorado night. Pretty sure it's dipping down into negative numbers, but I don't have to look to know the beauty followed me. She's got an energy like a small sun.
"Seriously?" Annoyance is thick in her voice. The sweet, innocent act from earlier is totally gone. "You were supposed to flirt with that girl, not RJ."
I spin, worried she and I are talking about two different men. I open my mouth to speak, but am caught off guard by how stunning she is. Her sweet, innocent out-of-towner act was hot, but this fierce, irritated woman is gorgeous in a way that pulls me in like sugar melting on a hot stove.
She's also got to be on the verge of hypothermia. "Are you trying to freeze to death?" I pull off my tux jacket and wrap it around her, covering up her pretty dress and the decadent amount of soft, tanned flesh it reveals.