Page 129 of It’s Your Love
Was he fooling himself?
He’d made the decision. The sacrifice. He’d expected it to feel a lot better than it did. Nope. He didn’t feel noble. Not at all.
“Hey, I’d like to finish this section of fence today,” Vincent said. “Do you need me to do that for you?”
Grayson blinked and walked to the truck. He leaned forward against the sidewall of the truck bed.
He’d been an idiot to leave Deep Haven like that. He’d let down Noah. The camp. The kids. Beth.
Noah had been right.
For all that you think has gone wrong, there’s been a lot of things that have fallen into place.
Grayson stared out across the meadow, the pines, the blue mountains.
He had so much to be grateful for, just like Beth had said.
He took care of me. Do you realize how much worse this could have been?
God had been with him in the darkness.
He carries me through any and every hard thing life brings.
Anne’s words anchored in Grayson’s soul, the clarity washing over him for the first time.
God had rescued him from the storm—as well as Robin and Oliver. He’d given Grayson grandparents who’d raised him, loved him. Friends.
Trinity. The horses.
Grayson gripped the side of the truck and leaned forward, his head on his hands. “Oh man.” He’d only focused on what he’d lost.
“Want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know. I don’t even know…I’m thinking I’ve had some things all wrong.” Grayson looked up at the older man, whose dark eyes held more than six decades of wisdom.
“How so?”
Grayson waved him off. “I don’t know how to explain it.” How could he possibly explain the truth that had just settled over him?
“Try me.”
“All these years, I thought God left us—literally left my siblings and me in the storm. That I couldn’t trust Him when things got hard. I didn’t see Him.”
Vincent pressed his lips together, the weathered lines of his face creased. “And now?”
“He saved us. Rescued us. I’m realizing all the good things God’s brought into my life.”
“Amen to that.” Vincent wiped his brow. “Every good and perfect gift comes from God.” He pointed toward the fence they’d been working on. “This camp you’re getting started…it’s going to be its own blessing to a new generation of youth. The lost. The hurting. The lonely.” Vincent looked back to Grayson. “You’re equipped in a special way because of every experience you’ve had.”
A lump formed in Grayson’s throat. Was Beth one of those good things too? “I wish I had left Deep Haven the right way.”
“Call her.” Vincent stood on the other side of the truck bed, facing Grayson.
Grayson shook his head. “I’ve tried. I dial.” He gave a sad laugh.
“Dialing isn’t calling.”