Page 50 of Hunt on Dark Waters
“Excuse me?”
They turn my hand over and press their fingers lightly to my palm. “I like your energy, Evelyn. You’re trouble in the best way. We’d have some fun together.”
I … Wow. Nothing about this conversation has gone how I expected it to. I carefully pull my wrist from their grip and smile. “In another life, I would take you up on it. You seem like fun.”
“I am the very definition of fun, as long as you don’t cross me and mine.” Their gaze shifts over my shoulder and their smile widens. “Oh dear, I do believe I’ve pissed off your hulking protector. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bowen this furious. He’s normally so stoic.” They lean closer. “What do you think he’ll do if I—”
They’re abruptly lifted into the air and deposited several feet away. The surprise on their face is a perfect match to the feeling rocking me. Did Bowen just use his magic on them?
I get my answer when the man himself appears at my back. His shadow falls over me and he clasps my hips, tugging me back into the curve of his body. But when he speaks, it’s not for me. “Keep your hands off her, Nox.”
Nox grins, and it’s as if they weren’t threatening me and then hitting on me in turn a few moments ago. “Never thought I’d see the day. You like her.”
“Fuck off.”
They laugh and turn on their heel, making their duster flare out dramatically around them. “Pass on my message, Evelyn. It’s important you don’t get in my way.” They stride away, their long legs eating up the distance between us and the helm.
Bowen’s hands tighten on my hips. “What message?”
“Oh, you know, the usual.” I can’t decide if I want to step away or snuggle back more firmly against him. He’s warm and strong and has been steadfastly ignoring my open invitation to come to my room since we arrived. It probably has something to do with keeping up appearances, but I’m scared and lonely and … silly to say I miss him after sharing his bed for only one night, but it’s the truth.
“You’re angry at me.” He turns us toward the railing and shifts so his cloak covers me as well. I wasn’t cold before, but I’m instantly warm in a way that curls my toes.
I’m not ready to admit he’s right, mostly because I didn’t realize I was angry until this very moment. “Nox just wanted to let me know that if we do something to endanger the crew, they’ll kill us themself. Simple, really.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about, Evelyn.” His breath ghosts against the curve of my ear. “Were they attempting to seduce you? They’re quite good at it.”
“Have they seduced you?” I don’t mean to ask the question, but I never mean to ask questions when I’m around Bowen. They just … pop out.
“They’ve tried.”
Jealousy flashes through me so intensely that I stagger a little. Holy fuck, where did that come from? Bowen and I aren’t anything resembling official or exclusive. Three days ago, I was about to leave him behind forever. Not to mention I’ve hardly been a saint before meeting him, and expecting that of him is really shitty.
But Nox is svelte and charming and dangerous and devastatingly attractive. If they’ve ever doubted their place in the world, they don’t now. Why wouldn’t Bowen want to be seduced by them?
“Why didn’t you let them succeed?”
Gods, but I love the way he says my name. Here, in this moment, it might as well be just the two of us. I can hear the crew moving about their business, but they feel very far away. “What?”
“Why are you angry with me? Is this about Lizzie?”
I shudder. I’ve been trying very hard not to think about Lizzie at all. She should be at a disadvantage since she’s in an unfamiliar realm with no transportation, but she shouldn’t have been able to find a portal and me so quickly, either. Underestimating her is a good way to end up dead.
Even so …
I’m so fucking weak, because I’m glad we escaped without killing her. “I don’t want her to die. Even after everything. That’s very silly, isn’t it? I won’t say she never cared about me at all, but she’s not sentimental enough to let feelings get in the way of her end goals. I wish I could say the same.”
“Very few people are that single-minded when there’s someone they care about on the other side of the conflict.” He settles his arms more firmly around me. “You’re not weak for wanting to keep the people you’ve cared about safe.”
Even if they don’t give you the same courtesy.
He doesn’t say it, but I hear the words all the same. I want to argue that Lizzie shot at him, not me, but I know better. She’s too smart to just straight-up kill me without getting the location of the family jewels first.
I could say all that, but instead what comes out of my mouth is something entirely different. “Why are you avoiding me?”
“What are you talking about?”