Page 7 of Monster's Enemy
Her fingers slid along a wing and that did strange things to me. “These are very soft.”
True, they were the softest part of my entire body, I was sure of that.
“I like them.” She must have realized I wasn’t sure how to say it. After two years of studying tactics at the university level, I was suddenly back in my pre-college days when I was exploring everything with a brand new perspective and unsure how any decision would turn out. Then, it had been typical adventuring, getting into mischief with friends, and testing our metal.
Now, this delicate creature pinning her shirt over her shoulders as I tried to keep a steady hand and undid the button on her pants, could destroy me with a word. A look. A sound.
Careful. I had to be careful with her. She was mine and I had to take care of her. Please her. Make her want me tomorrow as much as she wants me right now. Keep making her want me until it won’t matter that we aren’t the same genetic species. We’re close enough. We had to be for me to have this strong of a reaction to her. Sure, it didn’t happen on sight, but only gargoyles of my mother’s line had that problem of flushing colors and mating for life. Demons, like my father, had other priorities, like ambition. Eleanor was not my conquest. I knew that for sure. I wouldn’t care about all of these little details like the way she was wiggling as I unzipped the zipper if I just wanted to fuck her.
I wouldn’t be sliding these pants down and over that lush ass at a painfully slow pace as I lowered to my knees behind her. She couldn’t see it. Probably hadn’t even looked, but I could. My eyes noticed the two distinct little marks where she had backed into my horns. They lit up at my touch.Huh. That was not in anything anyone had told me about before. I leaned closer and licked over the two dots. The way she shivered and called out to me had me mentally putting chains on my demon to keep him at bay. All aspects of my personality wanted her, but yeah, we were going to take this one step at a time.
My senses were on overload.I couldn’t grasp any one sensation stronger than the other for more than a moment before the lightning running wild and striking out throughout my veins would hit again. I was embarrassed by the amount of me exposed, but it was completely dark except the slightest glow radiating from him like an aura.
I was sure he could see everything, but I couldn’t even see my own hands on the cold concrete wall in front of me. My legs could only move so far apart since I still had my shoes on and my pants were around my ankles.
That deep, husky voice ricocheted off the wall as he said, “Lean—”
What the hell was I doing?
I was leaning forward. Scooting into the position he was guiding, steadily losing my mind, and surrendering my body to… whatever Braz actually was. A demon, sure, a gargoyle? Made some sense, but also… his parents had to be from some very unique lines to— “Oh wow. Wow. I. Wow. Okay. Um. Braz. Braz.”
That tongue was something to explore with my own human shaped muscle, but his nodules were doing more than sparking lightning as he moved closer to my soaked core. I mean I knew there was not a waterfall there, but my thighs were slick from arousal before he spread my legs. That was what he had been exploring, carefully so as not to stab me in the ass again with one or more of his horns.
I wanted to touch them. Hold them. Move his head exactly where I needed it to be so I could—
“I thought the scent was intoxicating, but your taste is… addictive.”
If he wanted a coherent response, he should not have licked that long tongue with those blessed ridges over my clit. I probably said something, but the tongue was still moving and any worries about his makeup and how that would work with mine just… didn’t seem to matter. If he felt this good, he couldn’t be bad for me.
I held onto the wall and scooted a fraction of an inch further, forced my feet to shift a bit more, giving him any and all access to that spot so he could work all the magic he wanted. The tremors began at my toes, radiated up the backs of my legs, made every muscle and tendon I didn’t even realize could work so hard, strain and tense until I shattered in a series of spasms that made my hands slip on the wall. I lost my grip and went face forward only to be caught by the velvety smooth wing that had been providing privacy for this event.
I was an exceptionally smart person in the Earth realm, a basic witch in this one, and if Braz asked me my name right now, he would realize I could only say his. Which I hoped was what I was in fact saying but my ears were still thundering, my body still trembling with aftershocks, and twitches that probably made me look like I needed to go to the infirmary.
The next thing I knew, a large, warm body was settling next to me, behind me as the wing pulled me closer. He whispered as he gently untucked my shirt from my shoulders and where I had it pinned with my arms and said, “I’m sorry.”
My brows knitted and I was confused. “Wh...” I gulped and found my backbone because I couldn’t chicken out. I needed to ask and know the truth. “Why?”
He whispered, “This wasn’t the best place to do that. You could have hit that wall. Anyone could have walked out of those doors or through the one at the end of the hall. I just… couldn’t… wait to… kiss you.”
My heart was now outpacing the other sensations in my body as I admitted, “Don’t be sorry. If I didn’t have to focus on the wall I might have been loud.”
He snickered and I turned to look at him, even if I couldn’t see him, only feel him. “What?”
He touched the tip of my nose and said, “My little witch. You were very loud.”
I could feel my jaw drop as I gasped in shock. I guess the blood pumping in my ears had made the sounds a bit dull, plus he had better hearing than the average being, so… how was that fair?
He leaned in and kissed my lips before I could get too offended and say more. “Someone is coming up the stairs. Let’s go.”
I popped up and stumbled, but he steadied me. Shirtless, he guided me as I pulled at my pants and we went out the same door we had entered. The night sky was clear so we could see all of the stars. He was behind me, fastening the button on my pants when we heard the door creaking open. The next thing I knew, we were airborne.
When we landed again, we were near the school, but not so close anyone would have seen that unless they were looking. I turned to look up at my tutor who had just taught me a whole lot in a very little amount of time and asked, “Where is your shirt?”