Page 17 of Tears Like Acid
Gripping the covers, I yank them off her body. She jerks awake, shooting upright with her hair wild around her face. How dare she lie there, so warm and soft and comfortable, sleeping soundly like a princess when she thrust me into an inferno where the flames are my own jealousy?
“Get up,” I say, my voice sounding more animalistic than human.
She catches her weight on her arms behind her. “Ange—”
“I told you not to say my name. Get up.”
“What’s wrong?”
I can’t see her face to read her expression, and I’m too drunk to figure out the nuances of her tone. “Switch on the light.”
She stretches over the nightstand. The lamp flicks on. The picture of her sitting naked in bed turns clear. Her long, toned legs are stretched out in front of her. They’re pressed together, the softness between them hidden from my view, but my mark is visible above the small triangle of womanly hair. Her breasts are pert, her pretty apricot-colored nipples contracted from being so abruptly exposed after the warm cocoon of her bed.
Too tired to explain or command, I lock my fingers around her ankles and yank her to the edge of the bed. Her arms flail behind her, her back hitting the mattress. Twisting my hand in her long, silky locks of hair, I pull her into a sitting position before pushing her onto the floor on her knees. I use my free hand to unzip while holding her in place, keeping her face inches away from the bulge in my pants.
She stares at me with big, defiant eyes. “Why are you doing this?”
I free my cock through the open zipper, not bothering to get rid of the pants. “You know why.”
“Because I dared to get into bed?” she asks with a scowl. “After last night, you can cut me some slack.”
“If you want me to cut you slack, you know what to do.”
She purses her lips.
Fine. Releasing her hair, I grip her jaw hard enough to force her mouth open. Before she can draw a breath, I slide through her lips. The scraping of her teeth over my rock-hard cock tightens my balls. I settle deep in the searing heat of her mouth, loving the way her pink lips stretch around me.
When she tries to pull away, I shift my grip back to her hair, twisting it like a rope around my fist. I hold her head secure as I use her beautiful mouth, deep-throating her for my selfish pleasure. Her tongue is hot and wet. There’s not enough space for everything in her mouth, not enough stretch in her jaw. Her teeth graze the base of my cock, almost setting off my release. My dick is already pulsing with the need to come, but not yet.
She slams her palms on my thighs, trying to push me away. A mixture of tears and saliva spill over her face. It’s so damn hot I’m tempted to make her swallow my balls too, but when I pull out to let her breathe, she shakes her head and holds up a hand.
“What is it, Sabella?” I taunt. “Do you want to ask me something? Are you ready to beg?”
It takes her a moment to get her sloppy breathing under control. “Not like this.” Her voice is hoarse. “Let me do it my way.”
“Your way?” Those words spark something ugly in my chest. More venomous jealousy pumps through my veins. “You’ve done this before?” Because I sure as hell haven’t. Not with anyone but her.
“No, but I want to try.”
Just like that, the ugly green color that tints my vision fades. Her answer is like a balm on a nasty burn. The envy fizzles out, making space for curiosity. “Why?”
Her gaze is level. Without pretenses. No games. Just the simple truth. “I want to know if I can like it.”
Her answer takes the wind out of my sails. It does something to me, both the fact that she didn’t like sucking my cock and the fact that she could. What catches me most off guard is how much I want her to like it. No, to love it.
The desire leaves me vulnerable. It opens a big fucking hole in my defenses, but I’m too curious to deny her and too desperate for her enjoyment not to grant her control.
Easing my hand from her hair, I give her silent permission. She shifts closer, so close that I have to spread my legs wider to accommodate her knees. Her grip is tentative when she wraps her fingers around my cock. She tests the feel, squeezing a little.
The air that hisses through my teeth makes her bolder. She tightens her grip and strokes my length. Her hand is like a branding iron. I grind my molars together as I try to hold back, because this is the most important test anyone has taken for me. It can’t be over too soon. Not before I know on which side the coin is going to fall.
She repeats the action of gliding her hand up and down, watching curiously as my cock twitches in her palm. My dick grows painfully hard when she uses both hands to rub me.
“Enough,” I say in a voice distorted with lust, locking my fingers around her wrist to stop her from jerking me off.
She obliges only to press a kiss on the crest. The caress is tender. Odd. Not what I expected. The tickle of her tongue as she traces the tip is too light. Yet it stirs a different kind of need in me, a need for the softness I glimpsed during that first year. When she laps up the drop of pre-cum my dick spills for her, she hums her approval, and fuck me if it’s not the dirtiest, hottest sound I ever heard. It makes me want more, too much, but I wait patiently, nearly combusting as she traces the thick veins that run under the taut skin with her tongue.
I stand dead quiet, not daring to breathe as she slowly sucks me deeper. This is a first for me too, and I’m already addicted to her mouth. I already want it more than I should, enough to want to fuck her mouth hard, but I’m fascinated by the way she stretches her lips around me and anxious to know if she’s turned on or repulsed.