Page 56 of Tears Like Acid
More defiance sparks in her eyes when she finally faces me squarely. “I don’t need drugs to have sex.”
“Oh, but it can be so very different.” Using the hand in which I’m clasping the joint, I brush my knuckles over her nipple. “It heightens the senses. Makes you feel everything with more intensity.”
She cocks an eyebrow. “It sounds as if you’re talking from experience.”
“Don’t worry.” I caress the soft curve of her breast. “I only had hand jobs when I was high.”
She scoffs. “I’m not worried.”
“Because you don’t care,” I say, giving us both the answer she refused to tell me in words.
But she will care when I fuck her. She will care when she’s desperate to come.
Gripping her face in one hand, I hold her gaze as I take a long pull on the joint. I’m giving her defiance by disrespecting her wish, a request she uttered a long time ago, letting her taste some of her own medicine.
I don’t drag the smoke into my lungs. I apply pressure on her jaw, parting her lips as I lower my head and plaster our mouths together. She realizes my intention too late, gasping as I slowly blow the smoke into her mouth. She chokes on the lungful she swallowed with her gasp. I let her breathe, using the seconds to fill my mouth with more smoke before feeding her again.
I kiss her with a languid pace, molding my lips around hers and tangling our tongues. The objective is to fill her lungs with my second-hand smoke, but that objective quickly changes as heat builds between us. The burnt-out joint drops in the sink. I let go of her face to thread my fingers through the long, silky strands of her hair. She moans when I tug. Cupping her breast in my free hand, I knead the curve. Her nipple hardens against my palm.
Deepening the kiss, I push my knee between her thighs and kick her feet apart. I abandon her breast to explore the heat between her legs. She’s wet. I can feel it through her clothes. My onslaught on her mouth triples as I slip a hand into the elastic of her pants and thong. Her flesh is hot. Her pussy lips are plump and slick.
I groan into the kiss, rubbing my hard-on against her hip. Her moan reverberates in her chest. Too eager to think, I tighten my grip in her hair and work her pants with one hand down her hips to her thighs. My actions are staccato as I lift her T-shirt, exposing her bra.
She pushes my jacket over my shoulders, her urgency matching mine. I release her to pull my arms free, but my hands are back on her in a second, yanking on the cups of her bra. Her breasts spill over the lace. I close my lips around a nipple and suck the hard tip deep into my mouth. She fumbles with the buttons of my shirt as I lick her curve like candy. We’re groping and gasping, our need uninhibited and messy.
Abandoning her unsuccessful effort with the buttons, she reaches for my belt. I tear my mouth from her breast, watching the desire in her eyes as I grip her wrists, move them away, and finish the task of freeing my cock.
I’m about to bend my knees and sink balls-deep inside her when she cries out, “Wait.”
My body protests. It’s only pure reflex that makes me pause.
“The blinds,” she says, breathing hard. “Close them.”
I dive for her mouth again. “There’s no one out there.”
“No.” She leans back and stops me with a hand on my heart. “I want you to close them.”
I frown. She doesn’t feel exposed, does she? Could it be that she senses she’s being watched? One of my cousins is on babysitting duty, but neither of them will dream of looking through her windows. They know what’ll happen if they do. I’ll cut off their limbs and stab out their eyes.
Drunk on the moment, I reach over her and jerk the string that brings down the blinds. The only light comes from the backlit cupboards with the glass doors. Once we’re shut into our own world of darkness and sin, I wrap my hands around her waist, spin her around, and walk her to the table. It’s difficult for her to move with her thong and pants trapping her legs. Hooking an arm around her waist, I lift her off her feet and carry her across the floor. At the edge of the table, I let her stand and push her upper body down. Her breasts are visible on the sides from under the T-shirt that’s scrunched up to her shoulders, the curves pressed flat on the wood. Her ass is pushed out, presented like a gift for my taking.
I’m too far gone to bother with freeing her legs from her pants. I leave them around her thighs. I don’t even bother with the rest of my clothes. I only shove my briefs down as far as necessary before pressing my cock against the tight hole of her ass.
She stretches her arms above her head and grips the edge of the table, bracing herself for what’s to come. Burying my fingers in the flesh of her globes, I spread her open. She’s swollen and willing, glistening like a ripe fruit between her legs. Unable to resist a taste, I lick her from her clit to the hole I’m about to claim, working that tight ring of muscles with my thumb. She wiggles beneath me, moaning as I stretch her.
I can’t wait. I’m close already. I caress the curve of her spine as I straighten. She turns her head to the side, watching me. I home in on her eyes, on how dilated her pupils are, and I know it’s going to feel good for her. I want to make this good for her. My hold on her back turns different. More dominant. I recognize the signs of the animal inside me as my lower body tightens and my cock pulses with need. Keeping her down with one hand between her shoulder blades, I spit in my free hand and lubricate my cock. When I position the head against her back hole, she tries to lift her upper body.
I anchor her with my grip on my table. “Relax, bella. Take me.”
She’s barely settled again before I part her with the crest, splitting her open and sinking a tight inch into the heat of her ass.
Not yet.
I can’t come.
Sweat beads on my forehead as I keep still to slide a hand around her waist and between her legs. I sink a middle and forefinger inside her and press my thumb on her clit, working her with my hand until she starts moving, taking me deeper in both holes.
Clenching my teeth, I hold back. I control myself like never before while slowly sinking my cock deeper. When I’m buried up to my balls, I can’t hold back any longer. I pump. I fuck her pussy with my fingers and thrust my cock deep into her ass. It’s hot and dirty, depraved, and so fucking satisfying. I’m pivoting my hips like a crazed man, taking her hard, but her moans turn louder and needier until a single word slips from her lips.