Page 17 of Kien's Kindred
She laid her head on the pillow and gazed into his oddly colored eyes across the small space separating them. “He was nice.”
But she hadn’t been interested. For the first time in her life, she hadn’t been caught up in the attention of an attractive man. Her mind and heart were set on the alien who didn’t seem to realize she existed as a viable option to date. Or have sex with. She would’ve definitely liked the sex part since he’d bragged about his vibrating penis and all.
Kien lay on his back, hands crossed behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. In a quiet voice he asked, “Is that all it takes for a male on this planet to catch a willing female?”
She wasn’t sure how to answer. In the past, she would have answered yes. The bar was low because a deep part of Nisha wanted what her best friend had. A man who saw no one else in the room when she was around.
And not like the men she’d dated in her past who were obsessed with her looks. Phate adored Tasha and it had nothing to do with her friend being a smoke show. Phate thought her bestie hung the moon in his eyes.
A lump formed in her throat. That’s what she wanted. To be some man’s moon and stars. To be honest, she’d pinned her hopes on being that for Kien. Her heart cracked a little because maybe, just maybe, she was just the human female helping him and not someone he was remotely attracted to.
That hurt. A lot.
Instead of sharing the truth and exposing herself more than she already had, she whispered, “You should know, Kien. How many women fell into your arms because you were nice?”
He didn’t speak.
There was nothing more for either of them to say. A single tear rolled down her cheek, but she refused to acknowledge it. She turned to give him her back to hide her shame and heartbreak.
Chapter Six
Kien sat patientlyin Nisha’s truck waiting for her to check them out of the hotel. When the sliding double doors to the front entrance opened, his heart skipped a beat. As she approached, he knew the exact moment she’d spotted him sitting in the driver’s seat because her sure steps faltered.
“Ah, hell no,” she muttered, lips pressed tight together.
He bit back a grin. Her phrasings often amused him even when he didn’t always understand what they meant.
She was a treasure, and the males of her world were fools for not claiming her as their permanent mate. They hadn’t been together long, but he was already learning more about her on this trip. When she was thinking too hard, she worried her bottom lip with her teeth. He’d had to stop himself on numerous occasions from asking her what was on her mind. He wanted to solve any and all her problems. Sometimes, like now, she muttered to herself as if he couldn’t hear every word. He liked when she argued with him. Her feisty responses and the narrowed eyes made him want to take her into his arms.
With the other Earth women he’d dated, it was easier to compartmentalize them. He had a mission; to date and report back on how those encounters went so the others could determine if humans were worth mating and aligning with.
It was the first mission in a long time he’d actually enjoyed. He’d been having so much fun.
Then Nisha came along. In a month he would be long gone but his heart would remain on Earth. Kien let out a sigh as she approached the door.
He expected her to open his car door and tell him to get out of her seat but was surprised when she shrugged and went to the passenger side, opened the door and eased inside.