Page 21 of Kien's Kindred
She took a bite of her food then cleared her throat. “Well, paying attention to only me is making you grumpy. Have a look around, I know you want to. Just be inconspicuous about it and don’t embarrass me like you did on our first—and only—date.”
Kien flinched, remembering how he’d never apologized for his previous actions. “I’m sorry about that. That was rude of me, and I shouldn’t have done it.”
“No, you shouldn’t have. If you weren’t into me, you’re still supposed to behave like a respectable gentleman. Then after the date, follow it up with a, ‘Hey, thanks for going out with me, you’re a sweet woman, but I don’t see our relationship progressing. Good luck on your search, though!’.”
He chuckled lightly. “Noted.”
Nisha opened her mouth as if to say something else but snapped it shut. Boisterous chatter came from the hostess stand where a group of six people now stood. They laughed and joked with each other as the hostess stared out over the dining room. Her eyes lit up when she spotted a large and empty table next to Kien and Nisha.
“This is about to get rowdy and loud,” Nisha said while pushing her vegetables to the side of her plate.
“It’s been a long day. We’ve made our appearance as a couple. Do you want to call it a night? We have about five hours before we make our way through the woods.”
Nisha took a deep breath. “I’m really not looking forward to the hiking through the woods all night and day part.”
“I checked and from where we are now, it’s only seven miles away, but we’ll have to—”
She placed her elbow on the table and cupped her jaw with her hand. The pout on her face was adorable. “Take the scenic route to throw off anyone if we’re being followed. I get it.”
Kien signaled for their waitress.
“I’m actually really excited to see it. This is momentous. I’m just bummed I can’t tell my mom anything about it.”
“You’re very close to her, aren’t you?” The waitress dropped off the check and before she could leave Kien signed it with his room number. Nisha pulled it to her and added the amount for the tip on the empty line.
He stood and held out his hand for hers. She paused, staring at it.
“For the show,” he added.
She took it and he clamped down on the warm feeling erupting in his heart, stopping the warmness from spreading any further.
As he led her from the restaurant, she said, “I am. We’re all that we have. Both of my parents were only children and I’m an only child.” He led them to the elevators. “My dad always said we’re a family of three., it’s just the two of us since he passed away.”
Kien led them to the elevator and pushed the “Up” button. “I’m sorry you have to lie to her about this.”
The elevator dinged and they entered. Nisha pushed their floor number and shrugged. “She’ll understand and forgive me. Because when you leave, I’m telling hereverything.” She laughed at the last part.
“Maybe I’ll have to kidnap you both in order to keep our secret.”
Nisha opened her eyes wide. “You wouldn’t do that.”
The elevator stopped and the door opened. Kien left laughing, leaving her to sputter and wonder if he joked or not.
She would probably stop laughing if she knew that kidnapping and keeping her for himself was really on his mind.