Page 31 of Kien's Kindred
Any control Kien held onto was a sliver at best. At hearing Nisha moan out his name and a gush of wetness from her pussy, he lost that last sliver. There was nothing holding him back. Kien plunged. And plunged. And plunged.
Nisha’s nails dug into his arms. Her legs tightened around his waist. Her yells reverberated off the walls. And Kien kept plunging. Even when her pussy erupted and wetness gushed from her and splashed between their slapping bodies, he plunged.
Her eyes rolled up. “Please,” she begged.
Kien ground his hips against her. “Please, what?”
Her nails breached his skin. Wonderful pain fired where she dug. “Fuck me.”
Kien did as he was told. He pulled back to sink into her again—and again. He did it over and over until she thrashed and bucked against him.
Kien’s own pleasure was building within his core. Each thrust pushed him closer to the edge. When yet another gush from her washed over his cock, Kien knew his own orgasm was impending. He pulled himself from her against her cries. Her objections died when she noticed his descent. He pushed her legs apart, giving him full access to her pussy. This time, when he plunged deep, it was with his tongue.
Kien lost all sense of what Nisha did or what she said. His only thought was tasting her pussy. This is what the afterworld would feel like, he decided, if there was such a thing.
Nisha bucked against his face, pushing him deeper against her. Kien didn’t take his time. He licked and sucked,everywhere.
“Kien! I’m coming again!”
His world exploded around him. He didn’t have time to brace as intense pleasure overpowered him. Bright lights flashed in his head. He died and came back to life as convulsions wracked every muscle in his body.
Chapter Twelve
Kien watched Nishaas she slept. Her breaths came out low and shallow. Sometimes her eyeballs moved rapidly from side to side behind her lids. Her mouth was parted halfway, and air made a whistling sound on every exhale. Even with her curls framing her face in a mess, she was perfection and he wanted to memorize every little nuance about this moment.
Kien placed a finger on the tip of her nose and followed her bridge up the slope and to the point between her eyebrows to massage the wrinkle there. She relaxed under his touch, and he smiled to himself.
Then quickly dropped it.
He couldn’t get used to this feeling. He couldn’t want anything other than the moment. What was the point in memorizing her breathing or her light murmurings if it meant a forever heartbreak?
No. When he left Earth he wouldn’t be back anytime soon. Phate had to know that loving these Earth women would result in heartbreak. That was all there was. He could pretend they would be back, but when would that be? In four Earth years? Five? And he could bet that Tasha and Nisha wouldn’t be waiting idly by for them to return to this remote end of the galaxy. They would’ve moved on, had families and other lovers.
Kien couldn’t do that to himself or to Nisha. As enthralled as Phate was with Tasha, he was most likely coming to the same revelation as Kien was. They were both smart and as scientists, they could deduce the outcome of this little experiment, because no matter what they all believed, this was an experiment.
Kien pushed away from Nisha and rolled from the bed, firmly placing both feet on the cool floor. Behind him Nisha stirred. Her warm hand was on the small of his back and a grumble on her lips.