Page 4 of Kien's Kindred
Chapter Two
If Nisha thought hernerves were on ten back at Tasha’s apartment, being in the car with Kien had set them totwelve.
As soon as he’d slid into her passenger’s seat and shut the door, she knew she was in a world of trouble. His smell, a blend of earthy aromas and a hint of an unknown scent, had instantly tickled her nose, making little tingles fire throughout her body. Nisha didn’t like it.
She was lying. She liked it a lot.
Lord, give me strength!
“What are you sighing about?”
Nisha caught herself having thoughts about him that she shouldn’t be having and straightened in her seat. “I’m not sighing.” Another lie. She had been sighing.
“I understand if I were a typical American male, I would be the one driving.”
Nisha watched the road ahead and eased onto the freeway ramp, not daring to glance Kien’s way. Her truck, with the vanilla brown sugar scented air freshener sticking from her vent, a small disco ball hanging from the rearview mirror and the satin covers on both driver and passenger side headrests, now had a masculine feel to it thanks to his scent filling the air. And not to mention that his large body made the seat in her luxury SUV appear small.
If she’d been thinking or had the time, she would’ve rented another truck for the journey. Not that he wouldn’t have still been in her space in another vehicle but having him in her car felttoopersonal.
“Not every woman prefers their man to drive them around, so it’s no biggie. Besides, this is my car, so I drive. Those are the rules.” She tapped the steering wheel with her fingers at the last sentence.
“If we were in my car, I would drive.”
She snorted. “Do you even have a car? I mean, since you live on a spaceship.”
They’d been on the road for less than fifteen minutes and already she found herself defensive.
Stop acting like a scorned lover!
“Technically, I have a hovercar, we all day. They’re stored in the storage bay on the ship.”
Well. She hadn’t thought of that and was immediately distracted. “Okay, so I have two follow-up questions. Why do you need a hovercar if you live in space and what exactlyisa hovercar?”
Kien chuckled lightly and Nisha wasn’t prepared. She’d heard him laugh before, but it had always held a mocking tone to it. But this sound was deep and lyrical. A sound that made her want to gaze into his weird, lavender colored eyes and smile.
She’d swung from acting like a scorned lover to a love obsessed teenager within a few breaths.
“Yes, my primary home at the moment is the spaceship, but we don’t spend the entirety of our days on it. Sometimes we observe and interact with the indigenous population on a planet.”
“As you’re doing now.”
“Correct, but this wasn’t our primary orders.”
“Right. The crash and all.”
“And to your second question, our hovercar has the same mechanics as this vehicle except the hovercar runs on hydrogen and has electromagnetic suspensions.”
She lifted her hand from the wheel briefly, signaling for him to continue. “Hydrogen and electromagnetic suspensions? That sounds like things we have here on Earth.”
“The suspension system allows the hovercar to lift from the ground and not require wheels to maneuver. You might have the ability here, but without direction and help, your species is still a ways away from making it happen. There’s also no need for manual steering. The coordinates are inputted into the navigational system and the course is set.”