Page 8 of His Wicked Obsession
She gives a strained laugh. “We don’t hold patients against their will. It’s strictly voluntary.”
“That so?” She nods. “So, when she called her sister and said she wanted to leave, she should be free to go?”
“Of course.” Her eyes scrutinize me, her anger plain to see now.
“Great. Go get Bella Marino-Vella, and we’ll be out of your hair.” Her eyes widen in shock, and her jaw slackens before she can recover.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“That’s not voluntary then,” I interrupt, as Maso gets behind the desk and quietly grabs a key pass and a ring of keys. The receptionist is too busy watching me and Marissa to notice him.
“Lude Vella is the one who checked her in. Only he can check her out.” Her arms cross defensively.
“That’s not what you said.” Her eyes roll, and her mouth opens to speak, but I don’t give her the chance. “You can give me Bella, or I can make your life hell.” I find the longer I’m prevented from seeing my woman, the more my conscience slacks on this torture and murder shit. The idea of killing Marissa isn’t as abhorrent as it would have been a month ago. “And while you’re at it, I’ll be taking Lude Vella as well.”
Her eyes flare minutely, and I know I’ve got her. They have Lude, but they’re going to deny it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m afraid I will have to ask you to leave now.”
“Listen, Marissa.” I try to remain civil, but I’m growing irritated. “I don’t have time for these fucking games. You give me Bella and Lude, or I rip this place apart. You know my name, who my family is…do you really want to test me on this?”
Her jaw clenches, and anger narrows her eyes as her nails dig into her biceps. “I’ll have to get Dr. Aimes on the line.” She moves to reach for the phone, but Maso grabs her wrists and zip-ties them behind her back, same as the receptionist.
“Not happening, lady. My wife is distressed enough; she just wants her sister back,” he growls in her ear as he drags her behind the desk and fastens the women together.
“Where are they?” I shout as I lean over, grinning when I get a look at them. “It’s not nice when someone takes away your freedom, is it?” They both remain silent. “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I shrug as Maso takes the nurse's badge and keys, and we split up in opposite directions.
Opening the first few doors, I find the rooms empty, but when I come upon the barred ones, I take a deep breath because instinct tells me nothing good will come from opening this door or any other after it. Unlocking the bar, I push it open and shove the door to find a young woman strapped to the bed.
“Jesus,” I hiss. She can’t be more than sixteen. I hear Maso echo some of the same sentiments in my Bluetooth as he does the same. “We’re going to need more help,” I tell him.
“Who are you?” Her voice is clear, and her eyes alert, so I don’t think she’s drugged.
“My name is Donato Cardarelli.”
“I wanna go home.” Her voice is watery.
“What’s your name?” I ask as I begin untying her restraints.
“Clara Todd.”
“I’m going to need your help, Clara. I’m looking for my woman. She was forced here in the last week or so, but there are a lot of people who don’t belong here.” She nods as she sits up in the bed, rubbing her wrists. “I’m going to be moving fast, opening doors, so I need you to unbind everyone you can and tell them to do the same. Can you do that?”
“I can.” She stands, and we begin to walk towards the door.
“Do you know what Dr. Aimes looks like?” She visibly shudders at the mention.
“He’s a vile man. We were on vacation in Spain, and my parents took me to him.” Sadness washes over her youthful features. “I was in a car accident with my friends a few months ago; my best friend died, and they said he’d help with my grief.” Her head shakes, and tears slip from her eyes. “I was drugged and woke up here.”
Swiping a hand down my face, I fucking wish I knew how Bella wound up here. Gripping Clara’s shoulder, I reassure her, “You’ll never be back here again.” She throws herself into my arms. I freeze for a minute before wrapping her in an embrace and giving the comfort she obviously needs. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” Her head nods, and she wipes her face with the sleeve of her shirt.
Following me out of the room, I begin unlocking doors, finding much of the same as with Clara—young girls restrained to the bed. The stories I briefly catch all have a familiar ring to them. Whoever this fucking Aimes guy is, he’s not leaving this building with breath in his body. I don’t give a fuck what his reasons are for capturing and restraining these people; there’s no excuse for the fear in their eyes.
Half a dozen girls follow behind me as we reach the stairs to the second floor. Before I enter, I hear Maso say, “I’ve got Lude, and he is pissed.”
“He didn’t order this?” I need the confirmation.
“Nope. Bella’s got some shit going on; he tried to get her help. Everything else was executed by this Aimes guy.” Good. I’d hate to have to kill the husband of the woman I love.
“He hurt?”