Page 31 of Just Add Friendship
Cal was different. Right? He was certainly different than the usual guys she dated, but maybe the bad luck was on her. Did that mean their relationship was doomed?
She glanced over at him. He’d finished sanding and was now painting on the north part of the fence. His strokes were long, even, and covering territory faster than her and Pops put together. Cal’s help would mean this project wouldn’t take more than a day.
Her phone buzzed, but she ignored it. Probably the group text chatting about next week’s plans. Her friends hadn’t been happy she’d ditched them this past week, but it was the only way she could get the to-dos done that Pops had suddenly insisted on. Kind of ironic because in the past, he’d told her not to worry about things. It was like Cal had awakened something inside of him. A handyman urgency of some sort.
Ten minutes later, when her phone rang, Steph sighed and set down the paintbrush. She fished her phone out of her pocket with her cleanest hand.
“Hey, Brandy,” she said.
“Didn’t you see the texts from Julie’s husband? She’s in labor right now, and things aren’t going well.”
“What? What’s wrong?” Steph hurried to the table and set her brush on the paint can lid. Julie’s baby wasn’t due for another three weeks.
“The baby’s heart rate is slowing, so they might have to do a C-section,” Brandy said. “Dave’s beside himself. His mom is out of town, so he texted our group from Julie’s phone. I’m already at the hospital, and Lori is on her way.”
“I’ll come, too,” Steph said. Pops watched her from his chair, and Cal walked across the yard toward her. “Be there soon.”
She pocketed her phone. “It’s my friend Julie. She’s in labor and things aren’t going well.” Emotion tightened her throat. “I—I need to go to the hospital.”
“Do you want me to drive you?” Cal asked in a quiet, calm voice.
She drew in a breath and met his gaze. “No. I can drive. I just …” She waved a hand. “Sorry about all this.”
“Go ahead,” Pops said, conciliatory for a change. “We’ll finish up here.”
“Yes,” Cal echoed. “Don’t worry about the fence. Go support your friend.”
Steph nodded, blinking against the stinging in her eyes. “Thanks,” she whispered, because that was all she could get out.
She hardly remembered the drive, and when she pulled into a parking space at the hospital, she wasn’t even sure how she got there. Jumping out of her car, she hurried to the entrance.
It didn’t take long to find Brandy and Lori in the very blue lobby of the maternity ward. Brandy wore a baseball cap, her hair in a messy braid, and Lori’s dark hair was pulled into a ponytail. Her two friends rose from their chairs as she hurried toward them.
“Where’s Dave?” Steph asked. “How’s Julie?”
“Dave went back there to sign paperwork,” Brandy answered. “They’re doing the C-section ASAP.”
Both friends hugged her, and Steph felt her body sag. When she drew away, she asked, “So this will fix the issue? Julie and the baby will be all right?”
“That’s what everyone is hoping for,” Brandy said.
“What about Maren?” Steph asked. “Who’s watching her?”
“Their neighbor, Mrs. Lovell.”
She nodded and sank into a nearby chair. They all sat in silence for several long minutes. When Dave returned to the lobby, hollows darkened the area beneath his eyes.
“Dave.” Steph stood to hug him. “Any updates?”
He released her and scrubbed a hand through his reddish-blond hair. “She’s been wheeled into the operating room. So all we can do now is wait.”
The minutes ticked by, and they alternated between conversation and long moments of silence. A text came from Cal, and Steph replied with the update. Which wasn’t really an update at all.Still waiting to hear any news.
Keep me posted,he wrote.Fence is done, and everything is cleaned up. I can bring you and your friends some food.
Even if she had a gourmet meal, Steph knew she couldn’t eat a bite.Thanks, but we’re all fine. I don’t think any of us are hungry.
“Who’s that?” Brandy asked, her eyes tired and puffy.