Page 35 of Just Add Friendship
His hands cradled her face, the warmth of his fingers sending goose bumps along her skin. “I don’t want to be too forward,” he whispered.
She moved her hands around to his back, drawing him flush against her. “I approve of goodbye kisses.”
“In that case—” He didn’t finish his sentence because he pressed his mouth against hers.
She moved up on her toes to get closer, to kiss him deeper. Fire filled her veins as he explored her mouth. It was a long moment before she breathed again. “Are all of our kisses going to be public?”
His voice rasped with his answer. “I should hope not.”
She laughed, and then she kissed him again, her arms anchored around him. She was probably sending him mixed messages, but right now, she didn’t care.
WHEN CAL’S PHONE RANG SUNDAY afternoon, tension rolled off his shoulders. Steph was calling him. He hoped everything was okay with her friend, but mostly he wanted to hear from her. Their conversation in the parking lot the day before had raised a few warning flags, but then they’d kissed, and then … he didn’t know what then. He liked her, and he knew she liked him. But relationship territory could be rocky.
“Hey there,” he answered. There was no use pretending he didn’t know she was calling.
“Hi.” Her voice was low, soft.
When she didn’t say anything immediately, he asked, “How’s the babysitting?”
“Maren just went down for a nap,” Steph said. “I thought she’d never crash, and I’m exhausted.”
“So you called me?” He couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He leaned back in his office chair and propped a leg up on a box.
“Yeah … I guess I did.”
He imagined he heard the smile in her voice, too, and hoped he wasn’t wrong.
“I was thinking about all your help, and—”
“Please don’t thank me again, Bee,” he cut in. “I already told you that I was happy to help.”
“I know,” she said on a sigh. “You’re … so different than other guys I’ve dated.”
This both alerted him and made him pleased. Very pleased. “Are we dating?”
“Uh, that’s not what I meant.”
He chuckled. “Too late to take it back. Besides, I think kissing in public means we’re dating.”
“Cal …”
When she didn’t continue, he said, “Sorry, I forgot the ball’s in your court.”
“It is …”
This time, when she paused, he waited for her to finish.
“Look, I wanted to ask if you’d be interested in coming to a barbecue with me next weekend at Ian’s cabin. He’s the one dating Brandy.”
Cal was so stunned, he didn’t answer at first.
“You can say no if you want.”
“No—I mean, yes,” he said. “I’d love to.”
“I thought it would be fun for you to see some of our old high school friends, and you know, hang out with me while not painting the fence or fixing a faucet at my house.”
Cal was more than pleased to be invited, but he had to clear a couple of things up. “I didn’t have friends at that high school, Bee, except for you. But I’d love to hang out withyourfriends. Although, I have to ask, is this a date?”