Page 40 of Just Add Friendship
Calvin?Had Steph known that? She wanted to laugh or maybe cry with relief.
Maren scrunched up her blotchy face. “You’re a stranger.”
Cal nodded, resting his forearms on his knees. He wore dark jeans with a button-down shirt and dark jacket. “I’m Steph’s friend. I brought over some dinner. Are you hungry?”
Maren’s gaze was steady as she considered all that he’d said. “I had a Cinder-wella treat.”
Cal looked suitably impressed. “You must have been a good girl.”
Maren set a tiny fist on her tiny hip. “I went potty.”
The edge of his mouth lifted. “Oh wow, you’re a big girl, too. How old are you? Five?”
Maren giggled. “No, dummy, I’m three.” She held up three adorable fingers.
“We don’t use the worddummy, Maren.” Steph had heard Julie correct her daughter’s language many times, so she felt obligated now.
“Ryan says dummy.” Maren looked up at Steph, her stubbornness returning.
“Ryan’s not supposed to say it either,” Steph said, not really wanting to argue with a three-year-old. “How about we showCalvinthe picture you made for your mom?”
Cal straightened at that, a smirk on his face.
“Okay.” Maren grasped Cal’s hand and tugged him through the house.
Apparently he was no longer a stranger—an even better reason for a child not answering the front door.
“Calvin?” Steph whispered as he passed by her.
“Never came up,” he said with a smirk. “Hang on,” he told the precocious Maren. “Let me set these sacks on the table.”
“What did you bring?” Maren asked, distracted from her original mission. She scrambled up on the chair and propped her elbows on the table.
“Well …” Cal made a great ceremony of opening the first bag and pulling out a circular container. “This is tomato soup.”
Frown lines appeared on Maren’s forehead. “I don’t like tomatoes.”
“Then good thing I also brought chicken noodle soup.” Cal pulled out another container.
Maren’s expression eased.
“There’s also bread. Do you like to dip bread into soup?”
She brightened. “I can dip bread!”
“Great,” Cal said with a chuckle. “Before we dip the bread, we need to see what else I brought.”
He pulled out a couple of salads, a cup of fruit, and three different kinds of cookies. Maren was especially interested in the cookies.
Steph could kiss Cal right now. “We’ll have the cookies after dinner.”
Maren’s pout returned.
“Steph is right,” he said, his amused gaze flashing to her. “We have to eat dinner first.”
“Okay.” Maren seemed to idolize Cal. “I’ll get the bowls!” She scooted off her chair and pushed it across the floor to the counter.
“Well.” Steph nudged Cal’s shoulder. “You have a fan.”