Page 59 of Just Add Friendship
“Had to get pretty.”
Her expression softened. “Well, it worked. Come on. I want to see how Pops is doing.”
“No breakfast?”
She paused and looked back at him. “The hospital has a cafeteria.”
“Right.” Cal decided that Steph must not be a breakfast eater or really a morning person at all. He’d have to convince her otherwise, since breakfast could be the best, most enjoyable and relaxing meal of the day.
This time, she drove, and it turned out that he didn’t get breakfast in the cafeteria after all. Pops was being examined by the doctor when they arrived at his hospital room.
“You need to write all of that down for my granddaughter, so she doesn’t forget my appointments,” he said.
“Write what down?” Steph asked.
The doctor and Pops turned to look at them.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Wright.” The woman in dark green scrubs held out her hand to shake Steph’s.
Steph greeted her and introduced Cal.
“He can stay, if you’re asking, Doc,” Pops said. “He’s practically family.”
Dr. Wright nodded, then turned her attention to Steph. “Have you noticed anything off with your grandfather’s balance lately or issues with vertigo?”
“I don’t use a cane, if that’s what you’re asking,” Pops volunteered.
“He has some better days than others,” Steph conceded. “But lately, he’s been doing a lot more chores around the house.”
The doctor nodded. “We tested for BPPV this morning, which is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It looks like your grandfather is a good candidate for physical therapy.”
“Oh wow, okay,” Steph said. “And that will help his vertigo?”
“Yes,” Dr. Wright said. “It should help tremendously.”
While Steph continued speaking to the doctor, Pops motioned for Cal to come closer.
He raised his brows, but followed the bidding.
“Tell them I want to go home today,” Pops whispered. “The hospital food is atrocious. Wouldn’t feed it to a criminal.”
Cal chuckled. “I’ll be sure to let them know of your wishes.”
“Thank you.” Pops patted his arm. “You’re a good man. I’m glad that you and Steph made peace.”
Cal wondered what all Steph had told her grandpa about him, but that got shoved to the back of his mind when Dr. Wright turned to them and said, “Well, there’s no reason you can’t be discharged this morning.”
“Hallelujah!” Pops punched his fists into the air.
Dr. Wright simply smiled. “A nurse will come in soon with the paperwork. Someone will be calling you later today to set up an appointment schedule for your physical therapy.”
It was a full hour before Cal and Steph were walking out of the hospital, with Pops riding in a wheelchair. Cal helped him into the front seat of Steph’s car.
“I can’t believe they want me to do physical therapy every day,” he said. “Who has time for that?”
Cal knew it would be a huge undertaking for Steph, and he planned to talk her into getting some help—from friends or neighbors, or even having one of her parents fly in.
“This place looks different,” Pops said as they helped him into the house. “What did you do? Paint or something?”