Page 76 of Just Add Friendship
“Bee,” he whispered against her ear as her rapid breathing matched his. He probably had her lipstick on his collar, but he didn’t care. Being able to hold her, to kiss her, to just be with her, felt like living inside his best dream. “They’re cutting the cake.”
“Mmm.” Her arms tightened about him, making him smile.
“Are your bridesmaid duties done for the night?” he rasped. “As much as I like hiding out behind the gazebo, we could get out of here.”
He felt her smile against his skin, then she drew away and gazed at him.
He liked what he saw—no, he loved it. Steph’s eyes bright, skin flushed, lips swollen because she’d been thoroughly kissed … by him.
She blinked, then smiled. “You’re right, I need to be at the cake cutting, because then they’re throwing the bouquet.”
He loved her smile.
“How’s my hair?” She reached up to touch it.
He scanned her appearance. She looked beautifully disheveled. One of her dress straps had slipped, and her updo was a lot looser than he remembered. He moved her strap up on her shoulder, then skimmed his fingers down her arm, and linked their hands. “You look perfect.”
“Well,” she said in a breathless voice, “at least it’s dark now, and the lights will hide a lot.”
Cal wasn’t sure about that, but he’d go along with it. Before they could walk around the gazebo and join the wedding party, Steph stopped him by putting her hand at his waist.
“Wait,” she said. “You never really answered my question.”
“What? You need words?”
The edge of her mouth lifted. “Please.”
“Okay, then.” He squeezed her hand. “We’re definitely not just friends anymore, Stephenie Grady. We’re officially dating.”
“Okay.” She grinned, then rose up to kiss him again.
He had to keep it brief, or it wouldn’t be brief at all, but kissing her was easily his favorite activity of all time. “Ready?”
“We’re holding hands?” He had to ask.
“Of course.”
Well, he could live with that. And his long drive over had given him a lot of things to think about, namely that he didn’t like living an hour from Steph. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that nothing was keeping him in Grandin, but there were a lot of things to draw him to Everly Falls.
He didn’t want to jump ahead too fast, but he knew what he wanted … or more specifically, who he wanted. He supposed he had for a decade.
She led him around the gazebo, and surprisingly, his pulse hammered with nerves. Being seen as a couple with Steph was like entering into her life, more than just an occasional friend or sidekick. Her friends would be his friends. Her world would become his world. Pops would be … almost family …
The old guy was standing with Lydia and Jorge as the DJ told everyone to gather around for the cake cutting.
“There you are.” Brandy’s smile was huge. Right behind her walked Ian. Her eyes flicked over them, not missing the handholding. “It’s almost time for the bouquet toss and you need to be there with me.”
Steph laughed. “All right. Fine. I’ll come with you when it happens.”
Ian and Brandy stood by them, holding hands, and chatting about some of the wedding guests, while everyone jostled for position to see the cake cutting.
Steph kept ahold of Cal’s hand. He had no problem with that.
“I’m glad you came tonight, Cal,” she murmured.
“Me too.” He smiled down at her, tempted to kiss her again in this very public setting, when someone shouted, “Hooray!”