Page 82 of Desert Star
“Plus, I thought you had lied when you told me that the ’05 campaign was before your time,” Ballard said.
Hastings nodded.
“And I knew Laura Wilson was Black before you told me,” he said.
Ballard let him sit with that for a moment and then continued.
“When was the last time you talked to Ted Rawls?” she asked.
“Uh, yesterday,” Hastings said. “He … I called him because I was upset about our conversation. He told me it was probably a setup, that you were getting my DNA. And I remembered the guy there who came up and took my cup. You, right?”
He looked directly at Bosch, who nodded.
“I’m sorry I called you an old man,” Hastings said. “That wasn’t cool at all.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Bosch said. “I am an old man.”
“What else did Ted tell you?” Ballard asked.
“I don’t really remember,” Hastings said. “I kind of went dark when he said, ‘She’s looking at you, man, and you’d better be careful.’”
“Anything else that you can remember?” she pressed.
“No, I just wanted to get off the phone,” Hastings said. “I was so angry once I realized what that meeting between us had really been about.”
“Who else have you talked to about this?” Bosch asked. “Did you tell the councilman?”
“No, I was going to tell him all about it tomorrow when I told him you needed to be fired,” Hastings said. “I talked to Rita about it, but she hasn’t told anyone.”
He held Ballard’s eyes for a long moment.
“You can’t talk to anybody else about this,” Ballard said. “Not the councilman and certainly not Ted Rawls. Rita, too.”
“We keep quiet while you do what?” Hastings asked.
“Continue the investigation,” Ballard said. “We’re very close, and you and the councilman will be the first we call when we get there.”
“What if Ted calls me?” Hastings said. “What do I say?”
“Just don’t take the call,” Bosch said. “If you talk to him, he might be able to read that you know something.”
“My god,” Hastings said. “I really can’t believe this.”
Ballard stood up and Bosch did the same. He knew that she understood that they had to get moving on Rawls—if it wasn’t already too late.
Hastings remained seated and looked like he was deep in thought.
“I just realized something,” he said.
“What?” Ballard asked.
“That I gave my kidney to the guy who killed Sarah,” Hastings said. “And Laura Wilson and who knows who else. I kept this guy alive to do that.”
“Nelson, we don’t know that yet,” Ballard said. “We are working this one step at a time. You’ve been very helpful but we need to continue our work. I promise I will personally keep you in the loop.”
Hastings was staring blankly at nothing.
“Are you okay, Nelson?” Ballard asked.