Page 7 of Sleepless Pact
“Get coffee in there too?”There are always coffee shops next to or inside of bookstores.I've noticed the times we’ve driven past them.
“You don’t have to ask, Audrey.If we’re out and you see something you want, tell me and we’ll go.You don’t need permission.”His words are so sweet, but I notice a hint of annoyance in his expression.It’s often one my mother has with me.
“I don’t actually like coffee.”
“They have other things besides coffee,” he chuckles, making me smile.The sound has that tingle inside me growing.Phillip starts undoing the buttons of his shirt.
“Like what?”I ask absently so I can keep watching him without being creepy.
“Hot chocolate.I’m sure you can get one of those frozen ones with whip cream without coffee.
“I’ve only ever had black coffee.It’s disgusting.”
I have no clue how people drink the stuff.That was the only way my mother would give it to me.She, however, would always add something called Baileys to hers, but I wasn’t allowed to have that.
“How about we order you a couple of different ones for you to try.”
“Like taste testing?”I bounce on my knees.
“We’re only talking about coffee and you’re getting energized.We’re supposed to be going to bed.”
“Oh, sorry.”I drop down on my bottom, and he leans closer.
“Audrey.”He reaches out, cupping my chin.“I’m teasing you.”His thumb brushes back and forth on my cheek.His hold is soft, but his thumb has a roughness to it that makes goosebumps break out across my arms.
We stare at each other, our eyes locked, and he leans down.I think he’s going to kiss me, but he drops his hand away from my cheek and steps away.A pang of disappointment fills me.
“I need to change,” he says before disappearing into his closet.
I flop back onto the bed, wondering why he didn't kiss me.It’s probably because he’s not really my husband and I’m being a giant dummy.He’s a normal nice guy who for whatever reason is being kind to me while I’m taking full advantage of it.
“Why don’t you wear this?”Phillip reappears with a shirt in his hand.
“Thanks.”I take it from him before pulling my clothes off.When I unhook my bra, I hear Phillip suck in a deep breath, and I peek over my shoulder at him.It’s then I realize I stripped my clothes off without thinking.“Sorry,” I say when the bra hits the floor and I quickly pull the shirt on.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”His voice is deep, and I watch him go around and get into bed.His chest is bare, and he’s only in a pair of low-hanging sweatpants.My fingers itch to touch him.
“Right, because you're my husband.”
Phillip flips the comforter back on my side of the bed in invitation.He should be careful inviting me in.I’m not ever going to want to leave.
I’m not sure how many hours we’ve slept but when I wake up, Audrey is tucked close against me, her back to my front with my entire body spooned around her.
She makes this tiny little hum of contentment, and I use the hand I have on her belly to rub up and down the bare skin.She’s so fucking soft and delicate as she cuddles against me, and I close my eyes, desperate to absorb this feeling.
The shirt I made her put on has bunched around her chest, and when my fingers move up, I graze the bare skin of her breast.When I slide them lower, the edge of her panties tickles my fingertips, and I trace the material over to her hip and back.
My face is buried in her hair with my other arm under her head so she can use me as a pillow.The way I’m holding her is intimate, and my body responds to her proximity.She fits against me like she was made to be there, and my cock certainly agrees.
Last night when she climbed into my bed, it was all I could do not to take her.I was a fucking saint and kept my hands to myself, but somehow while she was sleeping, she made her way over to me.What was I supposed to do?
The underwear she’s got on look cheap, like the ones you can get in a pack of ten.She deserves to be dripping in the finest silks and most expensive lace.Yet somehow these plain cotton panties are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, and I can’t stop touching them.
She lets out another little hum of happiness when I slowly dip my fingers inside her panties.I feel soft curls between her legs just before I slide lower and touch her pussy lips.Biting back a moan, I take my fingers out and then bring them to my mouth to wet them.