Page 9 of Sleepless Pact
“That’s too bad because you’re eating.”He rolls us over, pinning me beneath him.“You have to eat.”It comes out as an order.
I’m beginning to notice how bossy he is, but it doesn’t bug me.So far it has always been in my favor.
“I...ah...”I lick my lips, thinking that we haven’t actually kissed except one small brush of his mouth against mine in the hospital.I’m not sure that counted because he only did it after I closed my eyes.At the time, I was thinking he was going to kiss me, and I suspect he did it so I didn’t embarrass myself.It’s strange we haven’t fully kissed considering that we did a whole lot more than that moments ago.
“Audrey.”His tone is firm but almost playful too.“Breakfast.”
“I don’t think I’m a big breakfast eater.”My mom made these weird shakes that tasted horrible so I often skipped them.She swore they were good for me, but they always made my stomach ache.
“Let’s see if I can change that.”He starts to lift off me, and I suddenly reach out and grab him so he doesn't move.He doesn’t fight me and stops the second I make contact with him.
“Can I maybe get a kiss?”I’ve wanted one since I woke up in the hospital and thought for a moment he was going to give me a real one.
A handsome smile spreads across his face.“You can have a kiss anytime you want, baby.”He leans down, pressing his mouth against mine as his body relaxes into me once again.I wrap my arms around him and enjoy the sensation of being so close to someone.So close to him.
His tongue thrusts past my lips, making them part while his fingers sink into my hair, gripping it in a tight hold.The kiss grows deeper, and I match his strokes, kissing him right back.But before I’m ready, he breaks the kiss and lets out a deep groan.
“No,” I gasp, wanting him back.
“I’m going to end up inside of you if we don’t stop.”He was inside me before, and we both enjoyed it.Can’t we do it again?
“We don’t have to stop,” I rush to say.
He closes his eyes before dropping his forehead to mine.“I don’t want to tell you no, but I think you need some time.”
“Okay,” I answer softly before releasing him.There’s an ache of hurt in my chest at his rejection.
“Do you want to shower while I handle breakfast?”
I nod, and he kisses the top of my head before disappearing into his closet.I pull myself out of bed, and when I spot my bag on a chair in the corner of the room, I take it with me into the bathroom.
My mother owns a giant estate, but seeing Phillip’s, I can tell ours is outdated.That’s probably why it takes me a few tries to understand that the water comes out of the sink automatically.The shower also has five million knobs and water that rains down from the ceiling.
After I get clean I towel dry my hair before peeking inside of some of the drawers.I’m not sure what I’m looking for.Another woman maybe?Possibly a clue as to why this man is going along with my lie.I search everywhere but find nothing that’s helpful.
Thankfully I still have my bag and have clean clothes and a toothbrush.When I remember that I still haven’t found my mom’s phone, I dump out the bag on the bathroom floor to see if by chance I missed it.All my cash is here, but the phone is missing so I stuff it all back inside my bag and get dressed.
When I walk down the long hallway, I peek into a few of the doors.One is a guest room, another is locked with a keypad, and the last appears to be an office.I hold on to the knob and debate going in.
“Good morning, Mrs.Howard.”I let out a small scream before slamming the office door closed.An older woman with short gray hair stands in the hallway.She has on an apron and is smiling at me.
“I was...ah...”Think of something,my mind screams.
“Trying to find your husband?”
“Yes, that.”I snap my fingers.
“Audrey!”Phillip shouts as he rounds the corner.He passes right by the woman and comes straight to me.“Are you okay?”His big hands cup my face.
“Yes.”He glances at my body to check for himself before he finally lets go.
“I think I startled her.Sorry, honey.I’m Rina.I keep this place in shape.”She smiles sweetly.“Breakfast is ready.”
“It’s nice to meet you, or re-meet you?”
“The pleasure is all mine,” she says, and I like how her face softens.
Okay, so he’s got her going along with this lie as well.I wonder how long we’ll play this game, but it’s not like it bothers me.It should, but it’s nice here, and for the time being, I feel safe.There’s no way my mom would guess I was in such a fancy high-rise in the city.