Page 30 of Ten of a Kind
“That’s because they are their own person with their own lives and their own looks. They’ve protected me since I was a child.”
“What happened to you?” he asked as he reached over and took hold of my hand.
“All I know is that my mother was a very bad person, and I was taken away from her when I was six years old. I don’t hold many of the traumatic memories. The others do and haven’t been willing to share with me. It’s something Dr. Lenox and I have been working on since we first met. I should let you know that I didn’t respond to your text messages because I wasn’t here. Freya was for the last week or so. I last remember sitting with Charles as he took his last breath. Then, when I woke up, I was at his funeral, standing next to Charlotte. Freya’s job is to step in if I’m feeling overwhelmed. She knew how hard I would take it when Charles died, so she took over and handled the day-to-day things.”
“Does anyone know about your condition?” he asked.
“I have a few very close friends who know. I don’t go around telling everyone I meet that I have D.I.D. But I’m not ashamed of it. It’s hard for people to understand it. I appreciate you coming over, but it’s getting late, and I have to be up early to meet with a client in the morning.”
“Okay.” He stood up from the couch. “Thank you for telling me, Ava. I know that must have been hard for you.” He took hold of my hand and helped me from the couch.
“Well, I really didn’t have a choice, did I?” A smirk crossed my lips. “I like you, Grayson, and I hated the fact that you thought I’d done nothing but lie to you.” I walked him to the door.
He turned and pressed his lips against my forehead. “I’ll be in touch.”
“Yeah, okay.” I gave him a soft smile.
As soon as he walked out, I shut the door, sunk to the ground, and hugged my knees. After tonight, I needed to accept the fact that I’d probably never see him again.
I pulled into Conner’s driveway, walked around the back, and stepped through the sliding door.
“Hey.” Conner smiled.
“Hey. Is Charlotte around? I need to speak with her.”
“Yeah. Hey, babe? Grayson is here and needs to talk to you,” he shouted up the stairs.
“Hey, Grayson.” Charlotte smiled as she handed Isabella over to Conner. “What’s up?”
“Is it true about Ava?”
“Is what true? And you know I can’t talk about my patient with you.”
“I just left her apartment. She told me about her dissociative identity disorder. She said I can talk to you about it.”
“She told you?” Her brow arched.
“Yes. She didn’t go into detail, but she told me about Freya, Kate, Ophelia, Luna, and Seraphina. She also told me about Dr. Lenox passing away and how you went to the funeral with her.”
“Wait a second. Ava is the patient Dr. Lenox wanted you to take over?” Conner asked. “She has D.I.D.?”
“I cannot talk about this, and both of you know it!”
“That’s pretty cool. I knew someone in college that had it,” Conner said.
“You did?” Charlotte looked at him.
“Yeah. His name was Darrin. Well, it was really Erica, but Darrin was one of her alters. Cool guy. Wait a second. That’s what you’ve been researching all this time, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Conner.”
“You’re not specialized in that area, Charlotte. Why would Dr. Lenox want you to take Ava on as a patient?”
“Are you saying that I’m incapable of treating someone with D.I.D., Conner?”