Page 41 of Ten of a Kind
“Yeah. I’m sorry for the things I said to you outside the bathroom at Four Kinds.”
“There’s no need to apologize, Simon. I have no idea what you said to me. Besides, you said them to Kate.”
“Right. It’s strange because I told Grayson I felt as if I were talking to two different people.”
“You were.” I smirked.
“I did some research on—” he paused again.
“Dissociative Identity Disorder. You can say it. It’s not a bad word.”
“Anyway, I’m sorry. I just assumed you were some type of con artist or something.”
“You’re not the first one to assume that. Honestly, I appreciate it.”
“Can I let you in on a little secret?” His lips formed a smirk.
“When I walked into that apartment and saw what you, I mean, Kate, had done to that guy, I was impressed. Where did she learn those skills?”
“The army.”
“Huh?” His brows furrowed.
“It’s a long story. Maybe the four of us can get together for dinner one night.”
“Grace and I would like that.” He began to walk away and stopped. “Actually, we’re all going out on the boats Saturday for the day. Join us. We’d love to have you.”
“Is Grayson going?” I asked.
“I’m not sure. He said he had to check his schedule at the hospital. But even if he doesn’t, we still want you to come.”
“Thanks, Simon. I’ll give it some thought.”
Grayson was right. Simon was a great guy. Glancing at my watch, I needed to get home, shower, and get ready for my client meeting. Taking my coffee cup into the kitchen, I rinsed it out, and when I went to place it in the dishwasher, I noticed it was full of clean dishes, so I set it down in the sink. As I began to walk away, I could feel Ophelia starting to front.
“Not now, Ophelia.”
“Don’t be silly. It could use a little tidying up,”she said.
She didn’t listen, took over, and began cleaning Grayson’s house and doing laundry. His house was already clean as it was, but I guess it wasn’t up to her standards.
My brows furrowed as I pulled into my driveway and saw Ava’s car still there. Climbing out, I walked through the front door, and instantly, a delicious smell smacked me in the face, as well as the clean, fresh scent of the house.
“Ava?” I walked into the kitchen.
“Hello, Dr. Kind,” she spoke in a British accent as she smiled at me. “Ophelia.” She walked over and extended her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ophelia.” I placed my hand in hers.
“The pleasure is all mine. I hope you don’t mind. I took the liberty of tidying up for you. I also did all of your laundry and made a wonderful home-cooked meal for you. After all, you did work all day.”
“Um, thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”