Page 58 of Ten of a Kind
“They all have their own style. This is Freya’s hair.” She took down the long auburn-colored wig.”
“I see.” I placed my hands in my pockets.
“So, how often does Freya front so she can paint?”
“Quite a bit. I’m co-conscious with her when she does.”
“What exactly does that mean?” I asked.
“I’m present, but I don’t have control over the body. It took us many years to get to that stage of our system.”
Her phone rang, and when she looked at it, she told me she had to take the call. I followed her out of the room.
“Thank you, Mr. Dilbert. I appreciate it,” she said and ended the call. “The check from Charles’s life insurance is in. I’ll have to stop by Mr. Dilbert’s office tomorrow and pick it up.” She turned and looked at me.
“Didn’t I tell you? He left me everything, including the life insurance money. He always considered me the daughter he never had. Honestly, I was shocked when Mr. Dilbert told me. Grayson, he left me a lot of money, and I would give it all away just to have him back.”
I walked over and wrapped my arms around her.
“I know you would.” My lips pressed against the top of her head. “I’m sure he just wanted to ensure you lived a comfortable life.”
“Yeah. He always looked out for me,” she said as she broke our embrace.
“We should get going,” I said. “Aunt Barb does not like it when people are late.”
“Grayson, darling.” Aunt Barb hugged me when we stepped through the door.
“Hi, Aunt Barb.”
“And who is this beautiful girl?” she asked.
“Aunt Barb, I’d like you to meet Ava. Ava, this is my Aunt Barb.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ava.” She hugged her.
“It’s nice to meet you, Barb.”
As we walked through the living room, Ava stopped and stared at Aunt Barb's painting on the wall.
“Isn’t it lovely?” she asked. “I just bought it a few days ago at an art gallery downtown.”
I looked in the bottom right-hand corner and saw Freya’s name.
“She’s a very talented artist. You should see her collection,” Aunt Barb spoke.
I looked at Ava as she stared at the painting. Her eyes closed, and a bright smile crossed her face when they opened.
“Thank you, Barb. You have excellent taste. This is one of my favorites. It only took me two days to paint it.”
“Excuse me?” Aunt Barb’s brows furrowed.
I inhaled a sharp breath.