Page 98 of Ten of a Kind
“Okay. I’ll see you later. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
I couldn’t shake what Claudia said to me in the bathroom the night of the gala. It kept playing over and over in my mind. I suddenly felt really tired, so I went and laid down on the couch for a minute.
* * *
I pulled my black leather pants and tank top from the box Ava had packed. After changing, I went back to Grayson’s to do my makeup the way I liked it. I was out now and had some business to attend to. The first was a phone call to an old guy friend of mine named Leo. After slipping my feet into my tall black boots, I heard a knock at the door. Opening it, Barbie stood there staring at me.
“Ava?” Her eyes scanned me from head to toe.
“Barbie, it’s good to see you, but I was just about to leave.”
“Oh, wait. You must be Kate.”
“That’s right.” I grinned as I stepped out the front door and locked it. “By the way, I like you.” I hooked my arm around her as we stepped off the porch. “I heard you shot a guy.”
“It was self-defense,” Barb said.
“Still, it takes some balls to pull the trigger.” I smiled. “I’m proud of you, Barbie.” My grip around her tightened. “I’ll see you later.” I opened the door to the car and climbed in. Barb stood speechless in the driveway as I pulled out.
I’d found out that Claudia worked for an accounting firm downtown. After Grayson spilled her last name to Ava, I got online, did some digging, and found her Facebook page and where she worked. According to her post from yesterday, today was her first day on the job. It was also going to be her last.
I walked into the building and over to the directory. The firm was located on the fourth floor. Taking the elevator up, I stepped into the office and was promptly greeted by an older woman sitting behind a desk.
“May I help you?”
“I’m looking for Claudia Moore. I want to give her this flower arrangement to congratulate her on her new job here.” I held up the arrangement I picked up on the way over.
“Go down the hall and make a left. She’s the second cubicle.”
“Thank you.” I smiled brightly at her.
When I approached Claudia’s cubicle, I couldn’t believe the pictures of Grayson on her wall.
“Can I help you?” She looked up at me.
“No, but I can help you.” I set the flower arrangement on her desk. I leaned over and quietly spoke in her ear. “This is how it’s going to go. You’re going to get your purse and come with me.”
“Excuse me? Who the hell are you?”
I reached into my back pocket, pulled out my pocketknife, flipped it open, and discreetly held it up to her neck. She flinched when she felt the blade touch the flesh of her skin.
“I’m a friend of Grayson’s, and you’re not welcome here in Los Angeles. Get your purse, and let’s go.”
She was shaking as she opened her drawer and took out her purse.
“I don’t want to hurt you. Well, I do, but I can’t. But I will not hesitate to drive this knife into your neck if you try anything stupid.”
I hooked my arm around her and led her down the hall.
“Excuse me, Claudia.” A man stepped out of his office. “What’s going on?”
“Tell him you quit,” I whispered in her ear.
“I’m afraid this job isn’t for me. I quit, Mr. Ryan.”