Page 47 of Ancient Promises
He didn’t mind a little teasing to have Diem in his arms. And he certainly wouldn’t be making a mistake like that again.
“You’re well and truly mine,” he said.
Her answer was a soft, sighing snore and it made him smile.
“We’ll talk tomorrow,” he promised with a low voice. And they would. About their mating and the future, about a house filled with kids with her beauty and fierceness.
He was the luckiest dragon on the planet.
Chapter Nineteen
Tuesday afternoon, Diem shaded her eyes as she watched the truck unload the portable storage unit in the yard behind the bookstore. It slid off the trailer with a thud, dust and debris fluffing up around it.
Eivross spoke to Dillon and Novak about his job with the security team. He and Diem were meeting with Isak later that afternoon at the school, but he wanted to make sure the security team wouldn’t be caught off guard with him leaving his position so soon after taking it.
Last night, they met with Rehlik at the bar’s office to discuss their plans for the future and he’d been happy to know that the school was going to have a librarian, even offering financial aid to Eivross for college courses if he needed it. He didn’t, however, because he had in his hoard a good number of valuable books that he was willing to part with.
“You look so serious,” he said as he joined her.
“I was just thinking about your books.”
“What about them?”
“Well, they’re important to you, right?”
“Sure.” He stared at the storage unit for a moment, then looked at her. “Why?”
“I was just thinking that you’re selling some of your treasure to pay for your degree, and I was wondering if your dragon was mad about that.”
“Hell, no,” he said. “The cool thing about selling some of the treasure is that I get to find new treasure.”
“What do you mean?”
He hooked an arm around her waist and drew her close. His eyes flashed to his dragon’s for a moment as a soft trill rumbled in his chest. She loved seeing his dragon like this, when they were close and he couldn’t keep his hands off her.
“I mean that my dragon is only really attached to a few of the books, the ones that have special meaning. Selling some of the others means I get to buy new books for college, and that’s as intriguing to my dragon as holding onto them.”
“I never thought of it like that.”
“I watched a show once about people who hoard things, and it sometimes seems like they’re indiscriminate about what they hoard, that it’s justthingsand nothing in particular. But I’ve always sold books to buy more books, so my dragon doesn’t mind.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, eliciting a sigh that bubbled up deep within her.
Was any female as loved as her?
“Besides, sweet wolfy-lioness, you’re my greatest treasure, and I get you forever.”
She smiled so big her cheeks hurt.
“You’re the very sweetest male on the planet.”
“Just for you.”
Someone cleared their throat, and Eivross glanced over his shoulder. Diem peeked around him and saw the truck driver holding a tablet.
“Just need a signature,” he said.
“Of course,” Eivross said, letting go of his hold on Diem and signing the screen. “Thanks so much.”
“You bet. Have a good one.”