Page 111 of Righteous Deceit
“Sia, baby. You swallow my cock so good.”
She hums around me, and the vibration of her mouth buzzes along my dick in a promise to swallow every drop of my cum.
“You’re gonna swallow my cum like that too.”
She nods, her tongue lapping at the straining need of my cock. Spit runs over her chin.
Gaining confidence, she lifts her free hand, sliding it into my boxers to cup my balls.
I yell out her name, punching the wall to stave off my orgasm. It cracks through the plaster, and I yank it back, pushing it against the solid fixture of the wall to stabilize myself.
“Like that, Sia. Baby, don’t fucking stop. Don’t. Fucking. Stop.”
She doesn’t, and my cock starts jerking before I’m ready, cum spilling from my tip and shooting into her mouth with merciless appreciation.
Using her hair, I pull her off my dick when it can’t handle anymore. Sitting back on the balls of her feet, she looks up at me. With her hair mussed, lips swollen, and mascara smudged under the damp line of her eyes, she’s more of a queen than I’ve ever seen her. Alessia Greco may believe I’m her savior, but in a world where I believed my isolation was my greatest strength, her happiness is slowly growing into my only duty.
“Itrapped him.”
Caterina pauses, chopsticks in the air, the sushi she had held tightly between the two sticks dropping back onto her plate. “Trapped who?” She looks around awkwardly, making sure no one saw.
“Diego,” I whisper.
Caterina’s eyes narrow, and the smile she offers borders more on confusion than joy. “I’ve known Diego all my life,” she says. “He doesn’t strike me as a man who can be trapped.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
I haven’t touched my lunch, the sashimi sitting as pretty as it was when placed in front of me. I move it around my plate with my chopsticks.
“I mean, if Diego has beentrappedas you say, it’s because he wanted to be.”
Guilt has manifested into something liken to regret, and I rarely, if ever, allow myself to fall down that negative rabbit hole. Too many facets of my life could eat away at my soul if I allowed them to. It’s easy to ignore the sins of others and justify their rationale, but misdeeds that rest solely on your shoulders are a heavy weight to bear. What-ifs stifle your ability to move on and up. You can spend your life on a roundabout of contrition that will send you crazy. You’ll isolate yourself from the people who love you because self-loathing can become burdensome to others. Negativity breeds negativity. You fall out of love with yourself, and your self-worth will become a distant memory. I long ago forbid myself to even contemplate the act of regret. Had Salvatore killed my father, I wouldn’t question his motive or his moral compass. Yet, I’d never treat myself with the same understanding.
Diego is a whole other conundrum. Had I not confessed to a love I can no longer declare a lie, there’s a high possibility Diego would be dead. My brother doesn’t play with what-ifs. He doesn’t ever step onto the merry-go-round of regret. He acts and sleeps soundly with his decisions, whether justified or not. In my panicked state, I protected the young capo the only way I knew how. I can’t regret that, but I do find my self-loathing growing every day since I stripped away his choice and treated him like a commodity to be bargained with.
“I’m glad you’re here,” I finally say, meaning every word.
Caterina looks saddened by my statement. “I wish we knew one another under different circumstances.”
I try not to let her despair filter into my heart.
“Unlike Diego,” she whispers, “I wasn’t so willing in my entanglement.”
“Salvatore’s a good man,” I reassure her, hoping she hears the sincerity in my voice.
“I wouldn’t know,” she counters. “He’s spoken all of two words to me.”
My features soften. “Doesn’t that tell you that maybe he’s as out of his depth as you are?”
She doesn’t answer, and I turn my attention back to my food, picking up a thin slice of tuna and popping it into my mouth.
“Do you love Diego?”
I don’t know how to answer that because I’m not sure I’m allowed to declare I love someone I dragged into my life against their will.