Page 13 of Righteous Deceit
I tilt my head, trying to work out her game plan.
She copies the movement with a small smile playing on her lips.
I still can’t see her face completely. The color of the night and the shadows of her hood ensure that.
I step left, and she shifts right.
I do it again, and so does she.
We could do this all night, circle one another in a clearing that we both know has her caught. Technically, the game is over, but neither of us is ready to admit that.
I laugh against the material covering the lower half of my face, the sound quiet.
She hears it, though. “That’s pretty,” she whispers.
“You can’t see me.”
“I see enough to know I like.”
I don’t know why I’m giving so much away. I’m offering an insight into an obsession I should keep only for myself.
She ducks her head, and I take the opportunity to step closer.
“Aren’t you supposed to be running?” I ask her.
She looks up, assessing the distance between us multiple times before focusing on my hidden face. “Aren’t you supposed to be hunting?”
“I seem to have my prey in my sights.”
She adjusts her hood, her small hands remaining on the material beside her head.
“You’re not scared,” I surmise.
“I needn’t be. My hood sets my boundaries.”
“Hm,” I concede. “But what if I’m not a rule follower? What if I’m a man living on the wrong side of the rules?”
What if my job entails breaking the law day in and out? What if I kill men and feel no remorse at the loss of their lives? Would you run then?
She takes a step back. “You want to hurt me?” She doesn’t sound scared, only curious.
“I want to claim you.”
Her hands drop away from her hood. “Is there a difference?”
“Oh,tesoruccio. One day, I’ll show you the difference, and you’ll regret that you waited so long to be captured and ravaged.”
“Ravaged,” she echoes so quietly I almost miss it. “Not tonight,” she says louder.
“Not tonight,” I agree.
I step forward, and she shifts backward.
“Give me a head start?”
I shake my head slowly.