Page 2 of Righteous Deceit
Subject: Red Treasure
Will Red Treasure be returning?
I get a reply almost immediately.
From: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Red Treasure
Thank you for your inquiry.
At this time, we have no return date scheduled for your selection.
I opena new tab and consider sliding into their back doors to find out who she is. I stare at the blinking cursor. They wouldn’t even know. A simple search to make sure she’s safe.
“Jesus, Diego.” I rub my hand roughly down my face.
To make sure she’s safe.Who the fuck am I kidding? My need to know her identity has nothing to do with her protection. I spin the ring on my index finger, trying to convince myself not to turn into a fucking psychopath.
My cell starts ringing, and I answer it to distract myself.
“It’s the thirteenth.” I can barely hear Leo over the loud thrum of the club he’s calling me from.
I scowl. “And?”
Normally, I’d speak to the underboss of our family with more respect, but I’m pissed off and not in the mood for his idiocy tonight.
“And I made a fucking bet with Tony that you wouldn’t answer your phone like every other night of the thirteenth because you’re a part of some cult that likely sacrifices virgins or some shit, and now I’ve just lost a thousand bucks.”
I hang up, cancel my subscription to The Quest, and slam my computer shut.
It taunts me. A measly piece of technology offering me access to an obsession I’ve let overtake me for over twelve months now. I pick the laptop up and throw it against the brick wall of my bedroom.
I grab my cell.
Tell me someone in the club is asking to die.
Ha. The cult ran out of virgins. Call Lorenzo. He has some shit you can take care of.
I leave my apartment without a backward glance, calling the boss to request an assignment that will let me feel blood on my hands.
Date: January 12, 2022
From: [email protected]