Page 55 of His Greatest Muse
Being watched by this many people will always be uncomfortable for me, even if I’m not completely new to the experience. Even as an amateur boxer, I’ve dealt with people watching me. And Noah has always been a musician, regardless if he was playing in dive bars or arenas. It’s learning how to handle crowds to this extent that’s going to be a challenge for the both of us.
“Come on, superstar. The sooner we get inside, the sooner we can leave,” I encourage.
He nods and closes off his expression. “An hour.”
“An hour,” I agree.
And then we head inside.
* * *
Turnsout an hour can feel a lot longer than you think when you’re not having fun.
I’ve never been one for sulking, but for the past forty minutes, that’s become my newest personality trait. By the time we stepped inside the club and were ushered toward the VIP section, swarms of people were already trying to grab Noah’s attention. Screams and chants are still ringing in my ears as I watch another woman wave a poster from her spot on the lower dance floor.
Noah, I want The Devil Inside Of ME!
He’s too busy leaning over the red VIP rope signing CDs to notice. I’m grateful for that. The wording of the sign is fitting, consideringThe Devil Insideis the title of his album and tour, but the hidden meaning behind it makes me want to puke almost as much as it makes me want to maul him in front of everyone in this damn club. I’m acting ridiculously possessive, but I’m beyond caring. I’ve never been able to understand how Braxton can be okay with the things said to Maddox both online and in person. I’m already beginning to lose my mind, and Noah isn’t even mine to be possessive over.
“I’ve never seen you glare at someone like this before. It’s kind of scary,” Sparks shouts from beside me.
“I haven’t been glaring.”
She makes a sound of disbelief. “Yes, you have. You’ve been sending a death glare to that poor woman for the past five minutes. I’m surprised she hasn’t noticed yet.”
“Can you blame me? Look at the sign. How did that even get in here?” I place my hands on my hips. “It’s offensive.”
“It’s not illegal to bring a small sign into a club, Tinsley. Would you like me to go down and snatch it up?”
“Yes, actually,” I deadpan, meeting her stare. “That would be great.”
“It’s hard to believe there was a time when I worried about you with how much time you spent with Noah. Turns out you’re just as savage as he is.”
Would it be wrong to feel pride at that? Probably. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“I’ve been a real bitch to you, then.”
“Add a boss to the bitch, and you’re on the money.”
Her eyes twinkle, warming her usually cool features. It’s nice to see her not so guarded for a change. I can’t help but want to get to know her a bit more, considering she isn’t going anywhere.
“Thank you for getting him here tonight. I know he didn’t want anything to do with this,” she says, attention drifting to Noah.
I’d have to be blind not to see the tension in his body as he watches the line of people continue to grow, regardless of how many of them get their items signed and move on. He refused to host a meet-and-greet, so I know how much this has to be stressing him out. There wasn’t supposed to be a signing of any sort tonight, but when Sparks arrived after us with new orders from Garrison, there wasn’t much we could do to stop this from happening.
“When can I get him out of here?” I ask.
She glances at the smartwatch on her wrist. “I can get the driver back here in a few minutes.”
Some of my worry eases. “Thank you. I’ll go tell them to close the line.”
“And have Noah come at me for letting you out of the VIP section? No. I’ll get the line closed, and once he’s finished, you can steal him away. I’ll give the driver your number so he can call you when he arrives.”
“Thanks,” I say on an exhale.
She shrugs me off. “Just doing my job. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” I don’t get a chance to reply before she’s heading toward the red rope and slipping out of the secluded section.
Noah must notice his manager begin to move through the line because he whips around to look at me, lifting a questioning brow. I toss him a wink and close the distance between us. He’s started to sign over the sadistic Devil portrait on his album cover when I reach him.