Page 83 of His Greatest Muse
“They’re clean,” she murmurs. “You don’t need to melt your skin off.”
I shudder at her touch and drift closer. “Are you sure you don’t want to run the DNA?”
“It’s not worth the risk right now.”
“I’ll keep you safe, Golden Girl,” I rasp, opening my eyes. We’re so close I feel her breath on my lips, her taste teasing my senses. I’m too weak to refuse my desires when they involve her any longer. It’s been weeks since I’ve had that ability.
I dip my chin and take her mouth in a kiss that seals my promise. She releases a soft noise and steps into my body, crunching our hands between us. Her tongue glides along my bottom lip, and I pull it between my teeth, biting softly.
With a breathy laugh, she pulls her tongue back between her lips and presses her face into my throat, nuzzling in. I lift a throbbing hand and cradle her head. Then, I begin to plan how to keep her safe at all times. No matter the cost.
My dad swingshis left arm too far out, and I duck out of the way with a grating laugh. He’s been off his game all day. Sparring with him has always been a healthy challenge for me, but right now, I might as well be using a punching bag.
“I know you’re old now, but I didn’t think you’d grow so weak already,” I say, tucking my shoulders in and landing a hard, solid sequence of punches to his abdomen.
He rolls his jaw and resets his stance. “I’m not on my game. Being ignored for weeks by my only daughter will do that to a guy.”
“I wasn’t ignoring you.” And it was only two weeks.
Gold gloves flash in front of me as he throws a jab. I catch it seconds before he’s pushing a cross with his other arm. I block the move and huff a breath at his increase in speed. His right hook is strong, and I rock back when I successfully block that too. It’s been a long few hours, and it’s starting to wear on me.
“You were,” he grunts.
My arms go up in front of my face as we reset. “I was postponing a conversation I didn’t want to have.”
“What is that conversation, exactly?”
I grit my teeth and throw a jab-cross instead of replying. He blocks and returns the sequence. “Noah and me. You don’t like it.”
“Are you finally admitting that you’re together?”
I tilt my head and stare at him with anare you seriousexpression. “Are you finally admitting that you would have a problem with it if I said yes?”
He takes a step back and smacks his hips with his gloved hands.Guess we’re done sparring. “You’re old enough to make your own decisions, Tinsley. You’ve never needed my approval for anything before.”
“Just because I never needed it didn’t mean I’ve never wanted to hear it. I’d have thought you’d be at least a little relieved to know that I’m dating someone whose priority is my well-being.”
I almost crinkle my nose at the term. Dating seems so insulting.
“You are dating, then?” he asks, expression tight.
“You could call it that.”
Shooting a rough breath between his lips, he begins to pull his gloves off, letting them hit the mat one after the other. The silver in his hair, mixed with his surly scowl, makes him look far older than he is. If he had any brown hair left on his head, it would have turned grey from this conversation alone.
“He looks at you like you’re his lifeline. Like he can’t breathe without you,” he mutters a beat later. I gnaw on the inside of my cheek, swatting away the flutters that grow in my stomach at his observations. “A relationship like that can consume you, my littlest fighter. It can make you lose yourself. That’s what I’ve always been afraid could happen. You are too special of a person to conform to someone else’s idea of who you should be.”
I frown. The large space of the gym suddenly feels too small. It’s always confused my dad how close Noah and I are.Inseparable.I’ve heard that term my whole life.
He doesn’t understand our bond. And in his defense, most of the time, I don’t even understand it. It goesbeyondunderstanding. It just is. And this feeling of rightness is not going to go away. If after two and a half decades it’s still here, it’s obvious that it’s a forever type thing. I’ve just finally accepted that and let myself have what I think I’ve always wanted. Whether my dad tries to make sense of that or chooses to disapprove is up to him.
“Have I changed, Dad? Or am I still the same little girl I was when we would make fresh lemonade for Mom’s office every Saturday morning? I’m still me.” I slip my gloves off and set them on the mats beside his. Gold and silver. The perfect pair. Dad watches me with silent concern but appears to be content enough with listening to me speak. “Noah has always been here. He’s always been my other half, and I’ve continued to stay true to who I am, no matter that fact. I don’t know how to explain our relationship to you without sounding like a naïve little girl.”
He shakes his head. “You’ve never been naïve. Try and explain it to me. Please.”