Page 17 of Deal with Mr. Cruel
“How did you just now find out?” Jonas asked.
“My dad was very good at keeping secrets and paying money to keep them buried. My mother finally pulled her head out of the sand and hired a private investigator years ago. I just now found the files.”
The bartender brought over Nate’s drink, as he continued. “He’s actually on your team.”
“Who?” asked Jonas, confused.
“My brother,” Nate said, slurring a little. “Kenny Michaels.”
“Kennyis your brother?” asked Jonas, almost choking on his drink.
“Yep. He’s been in this city the whole time. Right in front of me.”
“No. I haven’t decided what to do with this information. My mother would be destroyed if she knew I knew.”
But Jonas knew what he could do with this information. It would be leverage. This could be just what he needed to solidify a deal. He felt a small tinge of guilt, but he pushed it aside. He had to do whatever it took.
After drinks, Jonas thought it best he took Nate downstairs to the restaurant to sober up. He wasn’t completely heartless. After seeing Nate was in no condition to sit down for an actual meal, Jonas placed an order to go with the hostess. That was when he saw Braydon and Mae, and everything seemed to fall into place for him.
Shaking himself from his memory of the day, Jonas started going through the paperwork on his desk. He had a report he needed to submit to the league by four that afternoon. He spent the next hour going through the team’s stats and putting together his report. Once he was finished, he was about to hitsendwhen the door burst open. Mae walked through the doorway seething, with Wendy running after her.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Matthews. She just stormed right by me and—” Wendy said frantically.
“It’s okay, Wendy,” he said, nodding. “I’ll handle it.”
Wendy nodded hesitantly.
“Okay,” she said, looking between them confusedly. “Well, let me know if you need anything.” She backed out of the office, closing the door behind her.
He sat back in his chair and clasped his hands together, studying Mae. She didn’t say anything. He knew she was angry. Jonas knew that silent temper of hers. She began pacing his office and he watched her, amused. He knew he was about to get what he wanted and was enjoying every second of it. He was also enjoying watching her curves in that cream dress as she walked back and forth. He had always loved that dress.
“What can I do for you, Mae?” he asked with a side smile.
She shot him a look. “Don’t smile at me, Jonas. Unless you want another red cheek.”
He pressed his lips together and tried to fight a smile, faking seriousness.
She stopped pacing for a moment and glared at him. “I’ll do it on one condition.”
“And what’s that?” he asked.
“I want you to, in writing, promise that Nico can in no way be harmed by you if I agree to this. And I will want to have my lawyer look it over before I sign it.”
Jonas nodded. “Is that all?” he asked.
“Yes. That seems entirely fair, after what you’re asking me to do.”
As much as he didn’t care for Nico, his hate had subsided over the past year. Enough time had passed that Jonas had almost forgotten his father had almost left Nico the team. Jonas had only found out after reading the drafts of his father’s will. He couldn’t believe that his father had even thought about leavinghislegacy to this brat. This hot shot. This boy who had no relation to his father.
Finding this out made Jonas somehow hate his father even more after death. In the end, his father had left him the company and the team. Still, Nico nagged his thoughts. What was so special about him? It was this resentment that made their relationship rocky, as much as Jonas tried to keep it professional. Still, a deal was a deal. He had to agree to Mae’s conditions in order for this to work.
“Okay,” she said sarcastically.
“Perfect. Now sit down, because I want you to know my conditions,” he grinned.