Page 61 of Deal with Mr. Cruel
“Yeah, now you know.”
“But your father talked about you all the time,” said Nico.
Jonas looked at him skeptically.
“It’s true. He was proud of you.”
“He had a funny way of showing it.” Jonas looked down at his hands.
“I don’t know much about father-son relationships because…Well, you know. But I would think he wouldn’t want you to dwell on the past.”
“What are you? My therapist now?” asked Jonas, amused.
Nico laughed. Jonas couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m sorry about the shiner.” Nico nodded to Jonas’s eye.
“I’ll forgive you if you tell me where your sister is.”
Nico sighed. “You really won’t let up, will you?”
Jonas shook his head.
“Well, I really don’t know where she is. And that’s the truth.”
Jonas believed him. Frustrated at not being any closer to finding Mae, he went home.
Chapter 23
Mae rolled over in the twin-sized bed and watched the sun rise as it peeked through the curtains. She had slept surprisingly well for sleeping in a toddler’s bed, fit with unicorn sheets and pink, frilly pillows. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up in bed and wondered if today would hurt any less than the past few had. But no. The pain trickled in as soon as she woke up and grew into a large mass that pooled around her heart.
She shut her eyes tight, willing the tears back. Her chest hurt as she tried to hold in a small sob. It had been two days since the festival. Two days since her heart had been shattered. Again. By the same man she’d loved all these years, despite breaking her heart. Twice.
The many faces of Jonas popped into her head and played like a slideshow. There was his morning face that pissed her off because he was an early bird, and she needed an IV of coffee. There was his business face that was serious, but also maybe a little unsure of himself. There was his laughing face that was lit by the reality show on the television. There was his face when they made love, his eyes locked on hers, like he was fully there in that moment.
Mae shook her head, trying to scatter the memories so they wouldn’t form together again and work against her. She smelled coffee coming from the kitchen. She had no idea what time it was. She went to check her phone, but it was off. It had been off since she drove away from Jonas. She didn’t want to hear from him. She couldn’t hear his voice.
“Oh, good. You’re up,” said Lindsay, peeking into the room.
“What time is it?” asked Mae.
“It’s just after ten.”
“Oh, my gosh. I’m sorry!”
“What are you sorry for? You deserve the rest.”
“I haven’t slept in like this since college.” Mae laughed.
“Yeah. Those frat parties were no joke.” Lindsay shuddered.
Mae laughed.
“Can Ellie come in and grab her unicorn?” Lindsay asked as her daughter peeped her head in the doorway.
“Of course she can! I’m sorry, Ellie,” said Mae.