Page 15 of There I Find Light
“It’s just common sense. I should have known.”
“Kind of tap it with your fingers, don’t drag them.”
“I think I found it. Yeah, I can get two fingers in.”
“All right. You hold onto that, I’ll grab the latch on this side, and maybe we can lift up.”
She stepped toward the door, putting her hand on the latch and then saying, “I’ve got mine. Are you ready?”
“Sure. What are we gonna do, on the count of three?”
“Yeah. And I don’t think you need to push quite as hard as you were. I’m pretty sure it will slip right out, as long as we lift up the right way.”
“All right. You don’t want me ramming the door into your face. Got it.”
“Well, that’s true too.”
They shared a little laughter, and then she said, “One, two, three!” She lifted up and then pulled toward her.
She assumed he did the same on the other side, only pushed, and just like she remembered, the door slipped right open.
And she was face-to-face with Franklin Slessing.
Chapter 6
Franklin pulled upjust in time to keep from running into Eleanor.
He couldn’t see her very well in the dark, but her eyes seemed to be big as she stared at him. They were both breathing hard.
He should have been more irritated. Being taken away from the barn dance, led on some false pretenses that there was a cat who needed help... But he felt like an idiot. Because he never should have fallen for that. It was the dumbest ruse in the book, and if he had been in Chicago, he wouldn’t have given it a second thought; he would have turned Sally down flat.
If he would have managed to correct her the first time she called him Peter, none of it would have happened, either.
He wasn’t blaming himself. Sally should be held accountable, but he was enough to blame that he just couldn’t be angry.
It felt like harmless fun.