Page 3 of There I Find Light
Franklin finished the text or whatever he was doing before he looked up. He looked around, his eyes widening before they landed back on her.
Franklin might not ever grace the cover of a modeling magazine, and he most likely wouldn’t land on, but his dark hair was neatly clipped, and his eyes were a rich, deep brown behind the glasses that perched on his nose.
They must be for reading, because he looked at her over them.
“Are you talking to me?” he asked, like she wasn’t standing directly in front of him.
“Dance me with you like I mean would.” The words came out of her mouth, but even she was confused about what she was trying to say. So it was no surprise when Franklin’s brows drew down.
“Again, please? This time in English?”
She wanted to fall through the floor. Had she ever been more embarrassed in her entire life? Probably. She’d done lots of embarrassing things. But she was having trouble remembering anything that was quite this bad.
She needed to apologize for being so confusing.
“My sorry bad dancer you few.” That didn’t come out right either. Apparently, she combined asking him to dance again with apologizing for messing up her first invitation.
Her brain never could do two things at once, and apparently her mouth was even worse at it.
She was opening her mouth to try to make some sense out of the situation, as Franklin seemed to be genuinely interested in what she was trying to say, or maybe he was just concerned that the insane asylum had had a breakout, when his phone buzzed loudly.
He glanced down, looked at the phone screen for a moment, then looked back up. “I’m sorry. I have to take this.”
He swiped on his phone, put it to his ear, and said, “Hello?” as he turned and walked a few steps away from her. Considering they were standing in a corner, he couldn’t get far, but that was all it took.
Eleanor considered herself the most inept person in the world, put her tail between her legs, and scurried away.
Chapter 2
Franklin felt bad fornot helping the woman who had stood in front of him, but his attention had been completely diverted by his phone call.
“Are you serious?” he said, unpleasant surprise making his stomach feel like it had exploded.
“I’m sorry. I don’t have a choice but to fly to Africa tonight. I wish I didn’t have to do it, but my sister could die. I need to go see her.”
Maisie, a business associate, was on the other end. He didn’t work with her much, she didn’t work for his company, but they’d come to an agreement after meeting at a business function where both of them had been dateless. They’d agreed that if Maisie needed a date, he would be there for her. And she had agreed to do the same for him.