Page 41 of There I Find Light
Chapter 14
“Thanks again,” Franklinsaid as he got out of Matt Landry’s plow truck. Eleanor’s brother Matt had been the one to rescue them. He had chatted with them and admitted that he’d gotten all his plowing done before he’d come and said he wasn’t in that big of a hurry to get them, and Franklin got the feeling that it was because he was hoping that Eleanor might actually find herself a match.
It made Franklin a little bit sad for Eleanor, since her family seemed to think that she couldn’t find someone on her own.
Regardless, Matt also had his phone, and Franklin was eager to get into his hotel and up to his room in order to charge it.
He nodded at the front desk clerk and continued to the elevators as he walked through, scanning the area to make sure everything was okay.
He and Noah didn’t make a whole lot of visits to the hotel on official business. Noah had moved to Strawberry Sands, and the house that he had been building was finished.
So he saw the outside of the hotel at least pretty much every day.
Franklin, on the other hand, had a little bit more trouble deciding that he really wanted to leave Chicago.
Of course, last night, first the barn dance, and then being stuck with Eleanor, hadn’t been terrible. He wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun doing anything in Chicago. Even though most people would not have considered last night to be a good time.
Franklin still couldn’t quite get over the fact that he did.
He punched the numbers in the elevator and waited for it to take him up to his floor where he kept a room available for any time he was in town.
He went into his room and plugged his phone in right away. After that, he took a shower, using the spare clothes that he kept packed for such emergencies.
He laughed at the thought. He hadn’t packed any clothes thinking that he was going to be abducted and spend the night in a shack while a major snowstorm raged around him.
Or that he would need a plow truck in order to be rescued.
Matt had let Eleanor off first, and Franklin had promised to send her the information of where to meet him in Chicago. She had insisted that it wouldn’t be a problem to meet him there, since she needed to get a dress anyway. She assured him that her sister Sunday would probably go with her.
She actually seemed excited. He smiled at the thought. Honestly, he was a little excited. For the gala, sure. It was the highlight of the year for his company. And he loved it. It was always a good time, and he really enjoyed the feeling of raising money for a good cause.
But beyond that, he had to admit that there was a special excitement in his chest, and it had everything to do with Eleanor. Going with Maisie had never made his pulse race or his mind churn with possibilities. In fact, he often counted down the minutes until he could thank her and get away. She was a nice woman, and he admired her. He respected her as a business associate and considered her a friend, but the thought of being with her didn’t make his chest warm, make him smile, make him think of all the things that he admired about her. They got along okay, but he was always happy to part at the end of the night. He never felt like he wanted to spend more time with her or that he just didn’t get enough.
But that was the way he felt with Eleanor. Disappointed that the tow truck came, wishing they had another night together. Not necessarily so that they could snuggle up, although he hadn’t minded that at all. But more so that they could continue to talk. She was funny and smart without being arrogant or a know-it-all.
She was easy to talk to, and she was interested in a lot of the same things he was.
He put his clean clothes on, hung his towel up, and walked out of the bathroom.