Page 57 of There I Find Light
Sunday wasn’t tired. Sunday was fine. But Sunday knew Eleanor wasn’t.
“Of course. I texted the valet, and he’ll have our car by the time we get to the door. We can go now.”
Noah stood up from the table, so they did as well, and Eleanor willed her legs to work. She just needed them to work until they got to the hotel and she got upstairs to her room. Once she closed the door behind her, then her legs could do whatever they wanted to, which was fold up into a heap on the floor.
It was a short walk to the entryway, but as they stepped in, Sunday said, “I’m so sorry, but do you mind if I use the restroom before we go?”
Normally Eleanor would have gone with her, but she barely heard and allowed Sunday to walk away while she stood dazed. She wanted things to be different. Wanted to believe Franklin when he’d said that he really preferred her even though he’d chosen to go with Maisie.
“Eleanor?” Noah’s voice penetrated her thoughts. She looked up.
“I hesitated to say anything, because if there is anyone worse at relationships and love than me, I’ve never found them.”
She tried to smile, since that seemed like a bit of humor. Unfortunately it seemed to come out more like a grimace.
“But Franklin is my friend and business partner for a reason - he’s a good man. He has integrity and character and he always tries to do the right thing. Just...sometimes he makes wrong choices.”
She stared at her brother-in-law. Was he saying she should forgive this, too?
“I’m not disagreeing, but I think he’s made his preference very clear.”
“Are you talking about me?”
Her head jerked around. Franklin had come out to the deserted entryway, breathing hard, like he’d run for blocks to catch her. Or maybe he’d just done something really hard. Like walk away from Maisie in front of all those people.
“I’m going to meet Sunday. We’ll be outside. Take your time. Good luck, bro.” She barely noticed when Noah walked away after clapping a hand down on Franklin’s shoulder.
Eleanor stared at him, and he looked steadily back at her, their eyes meeting and holding while her heart pounded furiously in her chest and her palms started to sweat.
“You’re not dancing with Maisie.”
Her throat was too tight to swallow.
He tugged at the collar of his shirt.
“I hated to embarrass her in front of everyone, but I’d already made one mistake with her that hurt you. I wasn’t making another. Didn’t you hear my response?”
“No.” She had been in such a rush to get out, just trying to keep her legs holding her weight without collapsing.
One side of his mouth flattened. “I told her no. That there was someone else. Someone I should have been with to begin with.”
She closed her eyes. She didn’t want Maisie to be embarrassed, but this was what she needed - Franklin to put her first.
“Are you okay?” He moved closer, putting a tentative hand on her arm.
Her eyes pricked as she opened them, filling up because of the happiness in her chest that couldn’t be contained.
“You chose me?”
Was it terrible that so much of how she felt hinged on his decision? Shouldn’t she be happy no matter what?
But it was natural for her to want the man she loved...her eyes widened. Did she love Franklin?
“Yes. I chose you. Just like I should have two days ago. I couldn’t fix that mistake, but I can try hard not to make it again.” His thumb brushed along her arm, sending a soft thrill up her arm and through her chest. “I want to be with you. Tonight. Tomorrow. The next day...And anytime we’re snowed in, too.”