Page 29 of Knot Guaranteed
My eyes flick to Carter. He’s been subdued and lazy recently, but tonight he’s bouncing off the walls like maybe he picked a different substance to shove up his nose.
I sigh.
Ramsey tried to tell me my feelings were hurt, and that’s why I’m so pissed off about the whole situation. I know I’m an asshole, but the trust is gone in that relationship. I don’t see how we can ever get it back.
By the time my gaze moves back to Tinley, Jack has started dancing with Ava. Several randoms are talking and dancing with the friends she met up with, and one particularly brazen idiot is smiling at my omega.
“I’m going in,” Ram says, dropping his beer bottle on the table. “You two need to have a come-to-Jesus moment. Also, maybe spend some time figuring out how to lighten the fuck up. It’s her birthday. There are three of us to keep her safe. Let’s make sure she enjoys it.”
Fitz scoffs as I sigh, but my brother is probably right.
I explain what happened in the hallway earlier, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch my brother flirt with the woman I’m actually really into. “I warned her to be more careful, or her ass would meet my palm.”
“Really?” Fitz asks, taking a much longer pull of his beer.
“Yup.” I stretch back against the uncomfortable leather couch. “I’m not going to back off. There’s chemistry there I haven’t felt in a long time.”
“And you think that entitles you to make a move on the woman I’ve been in love with since high school?”
“Ithinkit’s insulting you’re essentially trying to call dibs.” My eyes don’t leave Ram and Tinley. “That’s her call. Not yours.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “Believe it or not, I’m not trying to be a dick.”
“No, you’re just making it clear that my feelings on the matter don’t mean shit.”
I grunt. He’s not wrong, but I am trying to be upfront enough to tell him where my head is. “She’s beautiful, passionate about her art, endearing in a way I find addicting. That doesn’t mean I can’t recognize that she has feelings for you. I get it. There are years of history.”
“Yeah.” Fitz waves at one of the VIP servers for another round. “She doesn’t take my interest seriously. Even after all the work I’ve put in. It kills me. Then you and Ramsey are always around, and it’s not helping anything.”
“There’s a benefit to having a team at your side. You had to know you’d have to share her one day.”
“God, it’s weird when you and Ramsey say the same things. I’ll tell you the same thing I told him. I’ve never had her. How am I supposed to catch her attention when she’s tripping over you assholes at every turn?”
I keep forgetting he’s a lot younger than us. He’s never even ridden out a full tour. I’m sure things aren’t going how he planned. “Touring will definitely cockblock you, if you let it.” I laugh at the glare he shoots my way. “I’m just saying, you learn real quick how to get over not having privacy when you’ve got five people crammed into one bus. We’re practically spoiled on this tour.”
“I want more from Tinsel than a quick fuck in a bar bathroom.”
“I know,” I agree. I want the same things out of life and a relationship. He actually reminds me a lot of myself at his age. “It’s her birthday. Sleep in the back bedroom with her tonight. She’s not going to make the first move. So, nut up. It’s time to make your intentions clear, or don’t bitch and complain when someone else does.”
Fitz nods, but his eyes stay glued across the room. “Is he trying to fuck her on the dance floor?”
My eyes scan our bandmates one by one, but I bark a laugh when I realize he’s talking about Ramsey.
There was a time when it wouldn’t have been above him, but I can tell by the smile on his face that he’s just trying to make sure she has a good time.
The beat changes and they get even closer.
I frown, watching my brother’s hand slide up the side of Tinley’s thigh before slipping around to her ass.
Huh, I guess he does want to die tonight.
I’m sure Ramsey Malone has broken a lot of hearts. His scent is heavy in the air, but it’s difficult to explain. It’s sweet, like molasses with cinnamon. He kind of smells like gingerbread, but more manly and delicious.
His long blond hair is pulled up into a bun on the back of his head, and it bounces as we grind together. He stares at me with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine.
He’s got that primal, hungry vibe down pat as he licks his lower lip. His thigh is wedged between mine, but it’s the proprietary grip on my ass that makes my knees feel wobbly.