Page 92 of Knot Guaranteed
“I have some great memories of this,” Fitz murmurs against my ear.
“Me too. The next one is even better.”
He pulls it out, and it must be facing Ramsey’s direction, because he snorts a laugh.
“What? No way. This is great.” Fitz laughs, kissing my cheek. “But I think it would be better if you wear it. So you can profess your love for me while you sleep with nothing underneath. That way, we have easy access.”
“That can be arranged,” I say.
“That was a good find.” Warrick catches my gaze and winks. “Would you like to open one next?”
“No,” I assure him, bouncing around Fitz’s lap. “Please, open yours first.”
Ramsey hands out the bags, and they dig in at the same time. The hardest part of this one was getting the pictures printed, but luckily, the pharmacy was able to do it in less than five minutes while we were there. Convincing Ramsey to browse on a different aisle was more complicated than the rest of the process.
“It’s my favorite picture with each of you,” I tell them as they study the frames. “I know it’s not much, but I hope you like them. Next year will be better because we’ll have time and—”
“It’s perfect,” Ramsey says, running his finger over the glass of the frame.
“Yes,” Warrick says firmly.
“I love you.” Fitz squeezes my middle. “The gifts are amazing, but all I’ve ever needed is you.”
“Me too,” I agree, grinning at him over my shoulder.
“Time for your gifts.” Warrick grins.
Ramsey hops up and comes back with three boxes. They’re much more intricately wrapped with black paper. They each have a different color ribbon, which leads me to believe that means one is from each of my guys.
“Is there any particular order?” I ask, vibrating with nervous energy. I’m super excited, but a little afraid my last-minute gifts won’t compare.
“Nope,” Ramsey says, putting them down on the coffee table. “They’re all from the three of us.”
I grab the box with the baby blue ribbon and give it a tug. It falls over my lap as I pull the lid off, setting it aside. There’s a pretty, silky-soft black dress with a gold overlay.
“It’s beautiful,” I assure them, running my fingers over the material.
“We were hoping you’d wear it to our show on New Year’s Eve,” Fitz says.
“If they don’t cancel it, but if they do, you can wear it on our date,” Warrick says.
“There’s more.” Ramsey’s right. There’s a black bra and panty set and under that a pair of flats.
“Thank you. And of course I’ll wear it.”
“Silver or pink?” Ramsey nods to the two remaining boxes.
“Pink, please.” I hold out my hands as Fitz helps move the stuff to the cushion next to us. When I open the box, my jaw falls. It’s a photo album, but not like the one Warrick gave me for my birthday. The middle has a picture of the four of us in a little window, and the year is emblazoned on the top in silver with the wordsestablished in. I gasp as I flip it open. They must have used one of those photo printing companies, because the pages are flat but designed like a scrapbook. Our pictures fill the pages labeled by city and others with dates. My chest rises and falls as my eyes ache. “It’s an absolutely perfect gift. I love it.”
“Good,” Warrick says as Fitz purrs behind me.
My head rolls back against his chest as I breathe through the overwhelming feelings. I’m happy. Completely content. I have no idea why I’m so emotional.
“One more, shortcake.” Ramsey moves the album to the side and places the last box in my lap. “And we saved the best for last, if I do say so myself.”
I laugh, pulling at the silver ribbon. This box is much lighter than the others. I pull the top off and gasp.