Page 94 of Knot Guaranteed
I’m grateful for that, but I know they had to have seen it. It’s embarrassing, but I have nothing to be ashamed of. I think it would be easier if he lied. He may have. I still don’t know everything that was said in the article. It’s complicated to feel so betrayed by someone else’s actions.
My hands shake as we wrap up our goodbyes.
I’ve got the urge to get up and do something, but at the same time, the idea of leaving the safety of the hotel sounds awful.
“I think we’re going to hit up the gym if you don’t mind.” Ramsey shoves himself off the bed. Ah, that makes me think it was spilling over in the bond. Maybe I’m picking up his energy and it’s influencing me. Or I guess it could be the other way around.
Fitz tilts his head, studying me. “I can stick with you if—”
I cut him off, saying, “No, don’t be silly. Warrick can keep me company. Unless you planned to go too?”
“No, I’m good on the gym,” Warrick says.
Fitz and Ramsey give me a quick kiss before swaggering out of the room. I get to keep them forever, and it’s a truly surreal feeling.
Warrick rolls to face me. “This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had, but I get the feeling they’re only going to get better from here.”
“Yeah,” I agree, studying his dark eyes. “I meant to ask how in the world you got those pictures. It’s been driving me crazy.”
Warrick blanches. “I probably should have mentioned it yesterday, but the label had a security specialist access your computer remotely. He made copies of all the images per the label’s request, and I may have asked a small favor. Are you angry?”
I gasp in faux outrage. “How dare you?” Warrick’s head tilts, but I give his chest a shove. “Of course not. It’s amazing. I’ll treasure it forever. If you only sent them the pictures yesterday, how in the world did it get here so fast?”
“That was thanks to the label security guy. He hooked us up with a shop that was open until four p.m. yesterday, despite the holiday.”
“Dang, I really do feel bad that people have to work during the holidays, but I’m grateful for the gift.” I run my fingers over his cheek.
“Do you like your ring? Do you think we need to have it adjusted?”
My eyes fly to it. The stone sparkles as I twist my fingers. “No, it’s a little snug, but I figure maybe that’s because I’m bloated. My period is supposed to start any day.”
Warrick tilts his head, and I’m not sure what the look means. He yanks his phone out of his pocket. “Have you taken your meds this morning?”
“Yeah, I took them before we opened gifts.”
“When you got your ADHD meds filled eight or nine days ago, you said that your birth control wasn’t due to start a new pack because the refill dates don’t always line up.”
I frown but nod. He’s very attentive and remembers details a lot better than I do. “Yeah, I need to start the new pack tomorrow, but I’ve already got it.”
“But if my math is correct, it’s been, give or take, thirty-three days since your last period started,” he says, staring at his phone. “Is that usual for your cycle?”
“Ohmigod, Warrick.” I laugh, covering my face. “No, it’s usually closer to twenty-eight. It almost always starts during the placebo pills at the end of each pack, but stress can make it weird sometimes.”
“Answer me this, because I spent a lot of time researching it a few weeks ago. I just never got around to asking. If it’s rare for an omega to conceive outside of a heat, then why the birth control? Just for precaution?” Warrick asks.
I pull my hand back, wobbling it side to side. “Yes and no. So, up until an omega presents, they may or may not ovulate. There’s just a low chance conception will occur. It’s a small chance, something like two or three percent.” I shrug. “But stuff happens, and I didn’t want to take that risk, even though my previous partners have been betas. The likelihood is higher with alpha partners than betas, but it’s still a slim possibility.”
“That’s very responsible of you.”
“Maybe overkill? I’ve never been intimate without condoms until you guys, but birth control also helps regulate my cycle. So, if a woman doesn’t ovulate, like when she takes a combination birth control pill, it’s actually something called withdrawal bleeding. It’s not normal menstruation because there’s no unfertilized egg to shed… Am I grossing you out right now?” I ask, frowning because I did just hyperfocus and spew a lot of unsexy information at him.
“Not at all.” He leans forward, brushing his lips over mine. “I like to know as much as I can about things that are important to me.”
My chest rises and falls rapidly as he smiles. Damn, he still gives me butterflies. Will this continue for the rest of our lives? I sure hope so.
“Oh yeah, so that breakthrough bleeding that happens without ovulation can be erratic, and the birth control regulates the hormones to help ensure it comes at the same time. It can help with cramps and stuff too—”