Page 31 of Unexpected Fate
I’m not sure what’s going on, but I nonetheless pull him higher on my chest and rub his hair. “I won’t suffer anymore. I mean, yeah, my heat is longer than average, but it wasn’t bad. It worked, Rome,” he mumbles in my neck, crying harder.
I can understand the overwhelming emotion. For his past two heats, he’s been in an immense amount of pain, not able to eat or sleep for days on end. Luckily, omegas only go into heat once every eighteen months so he doesn’t have to go through it often.
After comforting Benjamin, he kisses the underside of my chin, smiling gratefully. “I never would have thought you’d be so good to me, Rome. Hell, I didn’t think you really wanted anything to do with me after our … office thing.”
I grin. “Office thing? Is that what you call it?”
A flush blooms on his cheeks but he rolls his eyes. “Well, what did you call it?”
“The best sex I’ve ever had,” I tell him honestly. Benjamin’s body was made for me, melding around my cock. That was the beginning of him worming his way into my heart if I’m being honest. Made me come to terms with the fact that I wanted more than one roll in the hay with Benjamin. I wanted him all the time.
It took my mind and attitude a bit longer to catch up. I’m so glad they did.
Wrapping my arms more snugly around my omega, I’m glad I was able to pull my head out of my ass—with the help of my best friend of course—to be with him. His warm weight against me is one of the best things I’ve ever felt and I can’t imagine going back to my life before these few days during his heat. Now I’ll have to figure out how to get him to move in with me.
Baby steps.
Benjamin squirms on his lap. “The best sex? Really?” His tone holds skepticism, but I don’t mind. There’s no way I can convince him it’s true. He’ll just have to take my word for it. I smack a loud kiss on his cheek and he chuckles. “Anyway, yeah, that’s what I call it. I didn’t want to talk about it because I didn’t want you to end up stuck with me.”
“Stuck with you?” I lean back and Benjamin straddles me. “Why is being stuck with you a bad thing?”
He sighs. “It doesn’t matter now, since we already talked about it, but at the time, I didn’t want you to feel obligated if you wanted kids and I can’t have them.” I open my mouth to speak, to tell him that’s not the case, but Benjamin puts a finger against my lips, halting me. “I know. I said it didn’t matter anymore, but that’s how I felt at the time. I guess I owe you an apology for shutting you out like that.”
I smile. “Thank you. And yeah, it would have been nice to know where your head was afterwards, but that’s the past. You’re mine now. You’re stuck withme.”
Laughing softly, Benjamin wraps his arms around my neck and kisses me softly. “I don’t mind that at all.”
We rest on the couch, wrapped in each other’s arms, enjoying the feel of each other. The best end of a day for me.
Chapter 12
Nowthatmyheatis over—still five days but not as rough—I can clean while Rome goes home to pack a bag. After all the emotions before and after my heat, I need my alpha to cuddle up to. I laugh to myself, shaking my head while I strip the soiled sheets from the bed. I never would have thought that Rome would be the alpha that helped me through my heat, let alone be my fated mate. Life really is strange sometimes.
After I shove the sheets in the washer, I go to the spare room where I keep my extra sheets. While in there, I look at the unmade bed, hoping that a certain child will sleep there. It’s a twin, so I would probably need to get something larger. And maybe change out the decor in here.
My heart stutters when I realize the rabbit hole my brain went down, imagining a life with a child I met once, who I don’t know from a can of paint. Again, I shake my head, this time with a scoff.
Tanner doesn’t know where I am. He doesn’t know how to find me. I’ll never see that kid again.
I finish cleaning, feeling better that I have everything put away. A messy house drives me crazy and I didn’t tidy up much during my heat. Luckily, the couch is leather, so I just clean it with disinfectant. Don’t want unsuspecting guests to sit there after what we’ve done on it. My cheeks flame, thinking about how wanton I was, begging Rome to finger my ass while he fucked me.
After I finish cleaning, I start dinner. I figure I can return the favor and cook for Rome since he took care of me during my heat.
Instead of lying on the bed like I long to, I go to the bathroom and take a shower.
Rome and I only took quick showers between waves, not sure when the next wave would come through and knowing we’d just end up sweaty and messy with cum and slick later. I take my time now, tipping my head back and letting the warm water massage my scalp. Getting my hair clean feels almost as good as sex.
After I finish my shower, I take extra care to arrange my curls around my face, wanting to look good for Rome. I look at my reflection—my bright eyes, red cheeks, and wide smile—and know I’m fucking smitten. Ugh. I never thought I’d be the omega that would fall for someone because of their dick. But here I am.
Well, notonlyhis dick. Rome is actually a good person. Selfless, caring, protective, attentive. The perfect alpha. Being built like a Greek god, with the face of a model doesn’t hurt either.
With nothing else to do, I collapse on the couch, tuck my legs under me, and wait for Rome. I gave him my key, not knowing if I would be too tired to get up to answer the door for him, as I have no frame of reference for an easy heat. With my last, I could barely think, let alone move.
Thinking back on my last heat, I shake my head at my inability to ask for help. Brandon had been my roommate at that time, and if I had stayed home, he would have no doubt helped me. He couldn’t have given me a knot, but he could have at least been nearby when it was over. I lied, telling him I was going away on a work trip. He didn’t even know I was going through my heat and in the hospital, recovering from dehydration and exhaustion. Something I’ll have to tell him since I’ve vowed to be honest. No doubt he’ll give me shit, which I rightly deserve.