Page 36 of Unexpected Fate
I bark a laugh, shaking my head at his antics. “We’ll come up with something for my sensitive palate.”
It’s his turn to laugh, shaking his head as he eats more. “What’s the plan for the rest of the night? Can we get ice cream?”
“We can do whatever you want, baby.”
As promised, we get ice cream after dinner, walking to a small family-owned shop a few doors down. To my surprise, Benjamin orders a large waffle cone, wanting to share with me.
As I watch him lick the ice cream, I feel so full of emotion that it can’t be contained in my heart. Wrapping an arm around his waist, I pull Benjamin to me—being mindful of the ice cream—and plant a kiss on his lips. “I really love you, Benjamin Hendrix.”
His smile is brilliant and my breath catches in my throat. “I love you right back, Rome Stewart.”
Chapter 14
Wedecidetohavelunch with Brandon and Mason a week after our weekend together. It was so perfect, waking up to Rome’s strong arms wrapped around me. We barely move in the middle of the night and every morning when I wake up, Rome is touching me in some kind of way. I love it.
During the week, I was busy and Rome was in court, so we didn’t have much time after work to have dinner with my best friend. But since it’s Saturday and we don’t work, I figure it’s the best day for it.
Rome and I arrive to lunch, sitting across from Brandon and Mason. I don’t waste time taking Zane from Brandon, perching him on my lap and talking baby gibberish to him. Brandon is smiling from ear to ear, looking at us with a pleased expression. Mason’s face is a little tighter and I can guess why. When I was telling Brandon about what an ass Rome was being to me when he first started, Mason asked if he needed to go to the office and have a talk with him.
Brandon’s old coworker gave him and Peter—the other accountant that worked at Brandon’s old place of business and now works with him at his new business—no end of grief before Brandon went into business for himself. Mason said he always hated alphas that felt the need to bully omegas. He probably still thinks Rome is that way and won’t change his mind until he sees that he’s different.
Zane breaks the silence, babbling as he reaches up to pull at one of the stray curls hanging in my face. I chuckle, wiping his slobbery mouth with his bib. Zane blows a raspberry, making a mess again. I laugh at the cuteness.
Rome leans over and kisses my cheek. “He likes you.”
Brandon chuckles. “Of course, he does. He adores Uncle Benji.”
My heart swells as I gaze down at Zane’s cute little face. “Not as much as I adore him. Did you pack his bag? I need my Zane fix. I haven’t seen him in almost a week.” I pout, looking at my friends.
Mason chuckles, shaking his head. “No. We figured you and Rome would want some time alone.”
I sigh. I do, of course, but I love hanging out with Zane. It’s so stress free and I smile more than I think I should just from his adorable noises or faces. “True. Next week?”
“Of course,” Mason says gently, then turns hard eyes on Rome. “Do we need to have the ‘if you hurt him, I’ll kill you’ talk?”
“Mason!” Brandon exclaims and I’m equally shocked. I know Mason is overprotective of Brandon, but I didn’t think it would extend to me.
I smile briefly, then look at Rome, expecting him to be angry. But he’s not. He meets Mason’s eyes and in a firm tone, he says, “We don’t. Because I won’t hurt him.” He takes the hand that’s not wrapped around Zane’s back. “I love Benjamin. We didn’t get off to the best start, and that’s my fault, but I’m doing my best to make up for that.” He looks down at me. “I will always regret how I treated you, but I won’t do it again. You’ll never have to worry about that.”
“I know,” I whisper, smiling up at him. He smiles back, kissing my forehead, then placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
When he turns back to Mason, he cocks a brow. “We cool?”
Mason sticks his hand out. “We’re cool. Benji is my brother and I need to make sure some asshole alpha isn’t mistreating him. Even though he can take care of himself.” He glances at me and winks.
“Now thatthatis over,” Brandon says, “can we eat please?”
I nod, handing Zane back to Brandon when he starts to get a little drowsy. I open the menu, running my eyes over it when my phone rings. Pulling it from my pocket, I see it’s a number that’s not saved in my phone.
“Hello?’ I answer distractedly, still looking over the menu. My stomach growls as I look at the loaded baked potato.
I sit up straight, menu forgotten. “Tanner?”
“Yeah. I need your h-h-help.”